Essays on Management

The Importance of Being a President

According to me, a President should be a person who can do everything within his or her powers to make those who he or she leads have a better life. A President should be a selfless leader. Despite the fact that the President should be compensated for the work done,...

Words: 277

Pages: 2

Advantages and Disadvantages of Group Decision Making

According to Huitt (33), a group decision is an optimum solution out of the available set alternatives originating from a participatory process in which multiple individuals are acting collectively analyzed situations or challenges, evaluate and consider alternative courses of action. People involved in this participatory process might be demographically comparable...

Words: 667

Pages: 3

Indian Management Practices

Culture of India Culture is defined as the feature and the information of a certain assemblage of people, who share the same religion, language, social behaviors, cuisine, music as well as arts. In addition, it encompasses what we dress in, how we dress in it, beliefs, and how we receive and...

Words: 1256

Pages: 5

Ethical Communication in Public Relations

In drafting up our PR consultancy, some of the team members assessed public profiles and achievement of various PR personnel over the past few years. According to Nuji and Sulaiman in their Public Relations and Job Performance (2015) paper, the excellence of a PR has a lot to do with...

Words: 1201

Pages: 5

The Impact of Social Media on Public Relations

The public relation industry has faced dramatic changes over the last few years primarily due to the increase in the use of technology and associated devices. The media channels have also created vast communication opportunities that majority people are now engaged in for both business and personal reasons. The emergence...

Words: 1285

Pages: 5

The Importance of Time Management

Reflect on some strategies for becoming a successful student that you learned from this week's chapter readings, activities, and classroom discussion. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, answer the following three questions in the boxes below. Remember: The goal is to relate the course content to your real-world experiences. Hint: The recommended Connect Activities...

Words: 559

Pages: 3

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The issue of sexual harassment in the workplace is not news of yesterday, but for many years there no alternatives or policies existed for such victims. Gratefully, those employed are beginning to get more motivated to speak freely and have thorough actions taken against their harassers. In the US, the...

Words: 2098

Pages: 8

McDonaldization and Its Implications

Ritzer’s concept is quite accurate since it describes many sectors in the economy. Clients expect fast and efficient services. Federal agencies are often criticized for slow or lackadaisical services. For instance, many Americans complain whenever their visas or driver licenses are delayed. Similar sentiments are visible in other areas of...

Words: 303

Pages: 2

Advantages and Disadvantages of McDonaldization

McDonaldization's Impacts on Management McDonaldization has far-reaching impacts, especially on the management of different systems in the society, including government institutions. The concept of McDonaldized systems has continued to be perceived as the most effective in enhancement of efficiency in the management of business organizations and other key institutions. The overarching...

Words: 292

Pages: 2

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Customers have different tastes and preferences When it comes to products and services. When it comes to the academic arena, some students prefer to study in Kuwait while others abroad. Studying both abroad and in Kuwait serve the same need which is to earn a degree. However, there are differences between...

Words: 338

Pages: 2

The Importance of Trust and Commitment in Team Communication

Trust and Commitment: Pillars of a Successful Team Trust and commitment are two critical pillars of a successful team. They foster collaboration, trustworthy relationships, problem-solving skills, communication, and fulfillment of the set objectives. The absence of trust and commitment adversely affect the way team members communicate while working. The Impact of Lack...

Words: 422

Pages: 2

The Effects of Confidence on Leadership

Confidence is one of the most significant factors in determining effective leadership. However, there are numerous traits which adversely affect most leaders in exploiting their greatest height as far as excellent leadership is concerned (Northouse, 37). Therefore, the purpose of this essay paper is to discuss some of the notable...

Words: 304

Pages: 2

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