Essays on Interpersonal Relationship

Mindset of a Teacher

Mindset and Teaching Excellence Mindset plays a great role in shaping the act of teaching. Teaching excellence depends on the mindset of a teacher. There are two types of mindset; the growth and fixed. Sometimes a teacher may find himself with a fixed mindset depending on their goal. If a teacher...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

Arguments Against Psychological Egoism

Foundation of Morality Over the years, varying theories have been adopted to explain the foundation of morality within an individual. This is referred as Egoism and can take either be normative or a clear position. There are different types of egoism which entail psychological, ethical and rational egoism. According to Tilley...

Words: 631

Pages: 3

A Review of Peer Harassment and Coping

Newman, R. S. (2008). Adaptive and nonadaptive help-seeking with peer harassment: An integrative perspective of coping and self-regulation. Educational Psychologist, 43(1), 1-15. Newman, as the prime objective of this article, seek to examine the dilemma that students faces while in school when harassed and the approaches that most apply to counteract...

Words: 864

Pages: 4

The Relationship Between E-commerce and Globalisation

In the modern era of globalisation, new opportunities have presented for tremendous growth and e-commerce improves domestic economic well-being through liberalisation of products. E-commerce promotes the transfer of data through the network topology. The advent of internet technology ignited new commercial practices and models on the global level and drove...

Words: 2386

Pages: 9

Polygamy and Child Mortality: Historical and Modern Evidence from Nigeria's Igbo

Al-Krenawi, A. (2013). Mental health and polygamy: The Syrian case. World Journal of Psychiatry, 1-7. Retrieved from Annotation: The author conducted the study in Syria to investigate the psychological, family function, life satisfaction, self-esteem, and marital satisfaction. Also, the scholar strived to highlight the extent of consent among the polygamous...

Words: 858

Pages: 4

Impacts of Parent Imprisonment on Children

In the world today, imprisonment rate has gone up. Anyone can be imprisoned no matter the age or gender. The principal reason for a prison sentence is to punish the offender. Rather than being a punishment, imprisonment can be of decisive impact once the prisoner has practical, financial, social, and...

Words: 1311

Pages: 5

Illegalization of Prostitution

Worldviews about the Global Community Worldviews about the global community have undergone substantial change in the current century. Various organizations have made an effort to advocate for the rights of people who engage in behaviors that society has long viewed as forbidden. These practices could include human reproduction, same-sex unions, abortion,...

Words: 1733

Pages: 7

Case Study Diversity: Mediating Morality

Like the publisher, I chose option B (complete job) as my response. The meeting's initial purpose is stated by Syl in clear terms: "I want to remind the both of you that the purpose of this meeting is for us to discuss how to get this project completed, how to...

Words: 324

Pages: 2

LGBT Community and Police

Policing and Unique Workplace Cultures Policing is based on cultures that are different from other workplace cultures and are unique to those cultures. All police organizations must adhere to these principles, which are consistently emphasized to their members and firmly defined by their beliefs and values. It is possible to characterize...

Words: 1952

Pages: 8

Lone wolf terrorists

Lone Wolf Terrorism and Homegrown Extremism Lone wolf terrorists or homegrown extremists are phrases used to describe individuals who commit violent acts against humanity on their own, without the assistance of others. In other words, increased incidences of violence and harassment committed by individuals who do not represent or get support...

Words: 929

Pages: 4

Mothers Love as the origin of love

Julian Carter's article contends that relationships cannot be described in terms of romantic connections. In the early twentieth century, the author provides an example of a possible lesbian relationship between boarding school students. It is said that the girls perceived their sexual liaisons with other women as love between mother...

Words: 892

Pages: 4

Zebra Coalition Organization

The Zebra Coalition Organization was founded in 2010 as a result of the influx of LGBT people, particularly young people. The group was founded in response to the growing hardship of the LGBT population, which was suffering from concerns such as extreme physical, mental, and sexual abuse, abandonment by families,...

Words: 2042

Pages: 8

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