Essays on Illness

The Nature of Deviant Behavior and Drug Use

The nature of existence and development of criminal behavior is a hotly researched topic in criminology which has attracted extensive scholarly interest and led to the development of an array of theoretical perspectives. These include the general theory of crime, the strain theory, the differential differentiation theory among others. In...

Words: 593

Pages: 3

The Effect of Therapeutic Horseback Riding on Social Functioning in Children with Autism

Bass, Margaret M., Catherine A. Duchowny, and Maria M. Llabre. "The effect of therapeutic      horseback riding on social functioning in children with autism." Journal of autism and developmental disorders 39.9 (2009): 1261-1267. Burgon, Hannah. "Case studies of adults receiving horse-riding therapy." Anthrozoös 16.3      (2003): 263-276. DeMello, Margo. Animals and...

Words: 101

Pages: 1

Why I Choose to Stay Healthy

I choose to stay healthy because it is the key to a better mental health. A sound mind facilitates innovativeness and advancement in technology. A healthy mind will enable me to find solutions to the problems faced by the society. Besides, I will be able to design solutions to my...

Words: 284

Pages: 2

The Establishment of 21 Years as the Legal Drinking Age is Safe for Both Civilians and Military Personnel

Thesis: The establishment of 21 years as the legal drinking age is safe for both civilians and military personnel. I. Topic sentence Drinking starting at an early age is detrimental in the substance and alcohol abuse later in life. Young people engaging in alcohol taking increases higher risk of AUD disorder in their...

Words: 1906

Pages: 7

The Impact of Mobile Phone Addiction

In the contemporary world, mobile smartphones have become mandatory. People use cell phones in almost all activities, not just for conversations. After being realized as a device that could link people from different locations, smartphones increase in number with time. Through mobile phones, it is possible for people to listen...

Words: 574

Pages: 3

Arguments for and against Euthanasia

Euthanasia: Ending the Suffering Euthanasia is the intervention taken by a medical practitioner which has the intention of ending the life of a patient. There are many reasons why it is argued that euthanasia may be administered, but the most popular is to end the suffering of a patient. Euthanasia exists...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

The Relationship Between Diet and Stuttering

Stuttering is a prevalent speech disorder that affects many peoplek. It is associated with difficulty in saying something.  The occurrence of this condition is attributed to many factors ranging from genetic to dietary. Although little attention has been paid on the contribution of diet to the occurrence of stuttering, few...

Words: 669

Pages: 3

Legalization of Marijuana in the United States

Marijuana is a drug that comes from Cannabis sativa also known as hemp. Marijuana is an old naturally psychoactive substance known to many. The plant grows naturally in many countries. Despite the fact that marijuana is a drug used for both recreational and medicinal purposes, the drug still remains illegal...

Words: 2341

Pages: 9

The Issue Of Childhood Obesity

Obesity and Its Effects Obesity refers to health condition where fat in the body is excess. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is extensively utilized as the screening procedure to determine the existence of the disease. Moreover, childhood obesity is long-term and immediate effects on emotional, social, and physical health (Sahoo et...

Words: 1414

Pages: 6

What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Liposomes

Liposomes and Their Composition Liposomes, spherical and microscopic manmade cells that are made from one or several lipid bilateral comprising of different lipid or single amphiphilic either neutral or charged. The liposomes can entrap the therapeutic molecules such as genetic material, proteins, oligonucleotides, enzymes, vaccines and drugs. The vivo efficacy and...

Words: 948

Pages: 4

Employment of Persons with Disabilities

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) constitutes one of the most fundamental civil rights legislation in the United States. The statute has undoubtedly improved the lives of individuals with disabilities, particularly in increasing their access to employment opportunities. In addition to demanding an end to discriminatory practices against persons with...

Words: 2443

Pages: 9

Employers' Perceptions and Attitudes on Hiring Employees with Disabilities

Many organizations are reluctant to hire candidates with disabilities claiming they would cost them more and continue to deny people with disabilities employment opportunities. However, increased awareness about hiring and accommodations for people with disabilities have made many employers more willing to consider this population when hiring. Despite the increased...

Words: 1740

Pages: 7

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