Essays on HR Management

Recruitment policy

Recommendation to Tim to Reconsider Recruitment Practices and Standards My recommendation to Tim is to reconsider his recruitment practices and standards as they are the key cause of the two allegations from retired workers. As a true friend of his, I will be honest with Tim by telling him that his...

Words: 355

Pages: 2

Justify the use of a needs assessment in the safety training program

This is where the employer performs analysis to identify the requisite but inadequate skills that the employee may have when performing the duties of the undertaking. The assessment of the requisite decisions should be taken to help change the overall success and willingness of the organizations to operate. Need appraisal is...

Words: 2371

Pages: 9

strategy of a business

Scoot Tigerair Pte Corporation Scoot Tigerair Pte Corporation has been in service for the last four years. The airline is a low-cost affiliate of Singapore Airlines and its main destinations are China and India. Passenger prefers Scoot over other Singapore airlines because of its affordability, protection, and comfort. In 2015, Tigerair...

Words: 2204

Pages: 9

The process and procedures of conducting an exit interview

The Purpose of an Exit Interview The purpose of this study is to evaluate the method and protocols for performing an exit interview. There are some steps and best practices to be followed in order to perform an impartial termination interview; the interviewer first informs the employee's HR and talent management....

Words: 1190

Pages: 5

Live or Lip-Synch

"Not Live" is an article by Teresa Wiltz and Greg Kot that sheds light on the trendy use of pre-recorded sound, backtracks, and electronic upgrades by artists during live performances. According to Wiltz and Kot (1998), lip-syncing and pre-recorded voices replaced the beautiful live music concerts that were popular with the singers...

Words: 555

Pages: 3

the body in places

Eiko Otake's success The Body in Positions was recently seen in New York. She wore a white and red robe during her set. Throughout her results, the backdrop displayed various images she took in Japan with various poses of her body in various locations. The concert begins with her sitting...

Words: 543

Pages: 2

The inevitability of conflicts

I once saw my classmates engaged in a heated debate with a teacher in a classroom while I was a school student. The two clashed when the classmate used his mobile phone freely in class, which was forbidden, and when told to stop him before the session had finished, was not...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

Society and Conflict

Conflicts in Society Conflicts continue to be one of the most prominent in society. This is because people and other facets of society also compete with each other. It is also normal for society to find itself continually in conflict. Conflict may be easy to understand but it can be difficult...

Words: 1319

Pages: 5

animal testing

Animal research is an experiment performed on a living animal to determine the efficacy and effectiveness of a variety of items such as medications, cosmetics, and the production of military weapons, among others. All human beings now use has been checked on animals at some point in the past to...

Words: 1479

Pages: 6

The probable thesis is; there should be more libraries in charter schools

The Importance of Libraries in Charter Schools The possible thesis is that there should be more libraries in charter schools to encourage reading culture and improve results. The notion that libraries are costly and redundant is unacceptable and should be denied to ensure that more buildings are designed and furnished inside...

Words: 652

Pages: 3

Selling Wars

The Gulf War The Gulf War was a confrontation sparked by Saddam Hussein s attempt to conquer and occupy Kuwait in 1990. Immediately after the invasion, the U.S. government is planning to end Iraq s military operation in Kuwait to defend its geopolitical interests. Americans Reaction to the Gulf War According to...

Words: 338

Pages: 2

Recent developments - The violence in Las Vegas

In the U.S., civilian gun ownership has greatly increased. It is discerned that the outcome of quick access and use of weapons is closely linked to the incident on October 1, 2017, in which the United States experienced one of the most bizarre killings in history. A man named Stephen...

Words: 772

Pages: 3

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