Essays on Corporations

Analysis of Aflac Company

Aflac is an insurance business holding which is considered a management company. The agency looks into various operations by providing health-related insurance policies. The company operates through its two main segments – Japan and the US. In Japan, the company has concentrated on death benefits and more so issuance of...

Words: 1114

Pages: 5

Causal Claim in "Accountants Will Save The World" by Peter Bakker

A causal claim by Peter Bakker A causal claim made by Peter Bakker in the article titled "Accountants Will Save the World" is as follows: the inability of all businesses getting involved in solving the world's toughest problems is caused by the current less comprehensive accounting rules (Bakker, 2013). The claim presents...

Words: 607

Pages: 3

Insider Trading

Insider Trading and Martha Stewart Case Study Insider trading is an illegal and unethical conduct which occurs when an insider accesses information which is not yet released to the public and acts on it in the stock market. This case study looks at the event related to Martha Stewart linked to...

Words: 1577

Pages: 6

Luke and Owen: An Ethical Dilemma

The management of ABC Company and the Expansion Plan The management of ABC Company is planning on expanding its operation to maximize the profits that the organizations attain annually. The expansion program aims at venturing into the adult entertainment industry. The business which has projected to attract high sales and profits...

Words: 944

Pages: 4

Customer Service Training

Every business aims to maximize profit Customers are the pillars of every industry because they provide the market for the manufactured goods. Therefore, it is crucial to treat them with care to ensure that they are maintained, and new ones attracted. There are specific individuals in the company whose primary role...

Words: 665

Pages: 3

Gender Disparity and Minority Discrimination in the US Aviation Industry

The problem of gender disparity and minority discrimination in the United States is yet fully addressed. Aviation jobs are not open to every society. The proposal addresses the need to carry out research on why such disparity has existed for so long. The article is centered on the most current...

Words: 1303

Pages: 5

The Importance of Project Management

Introduction Any project requires proper execution of every step involved to ascertain its successful completion. Thus, the project manager and the team must ensure every aspect of the project is at their fingertips during execution. However, that does not guarantee success if the project management is ineffective. The primary role of...

Words: 918

Pages: 4

The Role of Ethics in Business

In the event that the means justify the ends then an individual is constrained to follow the underlying regulations. The case is different when it comes to the end justifying the means as the ethics shift their path considering that an individual lays emphasis on the consequences of certain actions...

Words: 576

Pages: 3

Evaluation of the Business

This report sheds light on the effect of adopting business information systems on the revenues of Harry's Bikes. It is important to note that companies need to integrate information technology into their business processes. Harry's Bikes possesses strengths that stem from the expert employees of the company and its broad...

Words: 2219

Pages: 9

The Importance of Using an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

Benefits of using an ERP system for small businesses As small businesses expand, and the owner cannot keep up with the management of all business processes, there is the need to consider using an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system rather than the continued use of applications such as Microsoft Office. This...

Words: 291

Pages: 2

Albania: The Next Big Thing in Global Real Estate Investment

According to a report done by a British real estate investment firm, Albania is a prime country for global real estate investment. Certain fundamental elements which include geographical, political and economic factors are the reasons that make the country’s future regarding real estate quite promising and rewarding. Despite being the...

Words: 707

Pages: 3

The Pros and Cons of NAFTA

Ferracuti (2000) defines the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as a business treaty between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The main reason for the creation of NAFTA was to eliminate any trade barriers between the member countries, such as tariffs. It is the biggest free trade treaty in...

Words: 689

Pages: 3

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