Customer Service Training

Every business aims to maximize profit

Customers are the pillars of every industry because they provide the market for the manufactured goods. Therefore, it is crucial to treat them with care to ensure that they are maintained, and new ones attracted. There are specific individuals in the company whose primary role is to make sure that clients are satisfied. Handling the customers is not an easy task, and it might require some extra training to accommodate the individual differences of every customer. In the past, I worked as a customer care agent in a local company. At first, I thought it was an easy job, where one answers questions asked by the clients or instructs the other employees to deliver the goods ordered. The firm decided to take all the employees to undergo the training program for two weeks.

The stated purpose for the training was to ensure that employees gained extra skills that will help each perform excellently in the respective fields. Being a member of the support staff, together with other individuals working directly with the trades, we needed extra skills to ensure that we can retain the existing clients and attract new ones, by offering quality services, as the consumers expect. The expected outcomes varied according to the method used. In the field training method, we were able to engage with clients and assist them under the guidance of experts in the field. It did not involve theory or paperwork; therefore, it was possible to evaluate the individual skills of every staff. In this section, the employees were expected to emulate the professionals, and handle customers with care. People vary emotionally and physically, and in most cases, as a customer service agent, one can get upset over something is done by the buyer, especially if it involves the personal life of the worker. The employer expected us to acquire skills and develop self-control that will help deal with all types of customers, and ensure that they are always satisfied while leaving the business premises so that they can come back, and even invite their friend, thus growing the company's profit.

I would restructure the program by incorporating the use of the classroom-field-training hybrid. It will enhance the effectiveness of the process as the trainees will have time for theory and practice, and the performance in both sectors evaluated to ensure that they all meet the expectations of the company. It is crucial to educate people on what is expected of them before taking them to the field for evaluation. Therefore, the classroom-field-training hybrid will help produce competent staffs who understand their roles and have the required skills. Customer service sector is crucial for the business, and it is essential to ensure that people holding such positions can deal with the emergencies or circumstances that might arise while assisting the clients.

The assessment of the effectiveness of the training is crucial to ensure that the company did not send its resources in vain. Evaluation can be done after the education, by installing CCTV cameras and observing how the individuals work without their consent. People can pretend when under supervision, but when left alone, it is possible to identify their reality when doing the job. Therefore, the most appropriate time to assess the effectiveness of the training is after the process and the employees get back to their respective posts. The use of questions is not reliable because there are staff members good in theory but poor in practical. Moreover, the CTV will enable one to assess the communication skills of the customer care agent, and whether the employee acquired useful techniques of handling clients during the program.

Training is crucial for every business to ensure that employees treat the buyers with respect and care they deserve. The reason why many companies shut down is due to the lack of clients for their gods. Therefore, through proper customer service help, both the existing and new buyer will always be loyal and happy respectively.

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