Mental Health of Collegiate Athletes

The focus on mental health of collegiate athletes has seen tremendous growth in recent decades primarily due to the awareness of its effects on the mental, physical, social and performance in the relevant sports. Various professionals in the field of sports psychology and scholarly researchers have published numerous articles on...

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Female Students at Vantage College Shop Mostly Clothes While Shopping Online

The results presented herein seek to answer the study query: Do female students in vantage college stream tend to buy mostly clothes while they are shopping online? Yes, the female students at Vantage College tend to buy primarily clothes while shopping online as compared to other items on the same...

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The Role of Politics in America

Yes, politics in the USA has changed. As much as people are still divided along political lines of democrats and republicans, they are more accommodating to the views of others. They now embrace the opinions of others rather than just tolerating each other. However, there is still much to do to...

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Racial Diversity in College and University Admissions

The Increasing Diversity in American Society The increasing diversity evident across all the facets of American society has created both opportunities and challenges for all the stakeholders in the institutions of higher learning. Particularly, racial diversity demands that learners from different racial or ethnic groups be admitted into various learning institutions...

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The Importance of Studying in College

Time Management and Prioritization During the course, I learned to make the most out of my time through time management and prioritizing significant tasks. As such, I realized that one needs to stay organized physically and intellectually to save time (Feldman " Poirier 2).\u00a0 I also learned that note taking is...

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Benefits of Free College Tuition

College education is a form of higher education post high school. In most countries, including America, college education is not regarded as essential, therefore, is not offered freely. In the United States, college education is funded by the federal government, state government, the local government, as the well as the...

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The Causes of Low College Graduation Rates in America

College completion and the problem of low graduation rates in the US College completion is an essential indicator that an individual has properly acquired vital skills through education. However, an analysis of colleges in America indicates that they enroll a large number of learners at the beginning of education programs but...

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Differences Between High School and College

In today's contemporary world, the importance of education to human life is accepted universally. Every person in the world regardless of who they are or where they come from are expected to at least have access to an education. This requirement is in fact enshrined in international law and is...

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Pages: 4

The Value of College Education

The Value of College Education The value of college education is more than just a degree. I believe that the education should provide real value for each individual attending college and provide enjoyment to students during their time in college. However, it is also right to say that the value of...

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The Importance of Financial Literacy in College Students

Handling Finances as a Student Handling finances is such an important thing in a student's life. Our lives generally revolve around money and having prior knowledge about finances before one starts making it is such a critical step. A research survey by Gutter & Copur about college student and their personal...

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The Value of College Education

The Value of College Education The value of college education is more than just a degree. I believe that the education should provide real value for each individual attending college and provide enjoyment to students during their time in college. However, it is also right to say that the value of...

Words: 451

Pages: 2

student equity project background research

According to the paper, the gap in college enrollment is increasing as a result of wealth variation and inequalities. Students from the upper quartile of the income distribution are increasing in schools, whereas students from the lower quartile are declining. For example, students from wealthier backgrounds were 8.3 times more...

Words: 478

Pages: 2

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