Essays on Biology

laboratory experiment

The primary goal of the lab experiment was to look into certain important processes in material science, such as recovery, recrystallization, and growth. The investigation was restricted to dislocation defects, or more precisely, line defects and grain boundaries. Heat Treatment, Metallographic Polishing, Metallographic Etching, Hardness Indentation Test, and Optical Microscopy...

Words: 1389

Pages: 6

About Ethical Dilemmas

Introduction Humans frequently encounter circumstances that cause us to doubt our morals and place us in situations that go against our values but benefit us (Schwartz, 2017).The Difficulty of Hiding One's Identity Such circumstances put us in a difficult position and call for critical thought to arrive at the best decision. The...

Words: 598

Pages: 3

Labor-Management Relations

The majority of people would rather work in a setting that is supportive of them financially or socially than in one where they are exploited. In the past, the win-lose approach was widely utilized by firms to run their businesses. The pinned-down party felt disheartened as a result of this...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

The mystery of dreams

Dreams and Their NatureDreams are abstract representations of our emotions and subconscious that appear as a series of ideas while we sleep. They are a puzzle because some people recall their dreams clearly and some have a blurred memory. Dreams are caused by sudden eye movement (REM), which happens when...

Words: 977

Pages: 4

Genes Affecting Person’s Behavior and Personality

There has been an argument promoted by evolutionary science pundits that our chromosomes are deciding factors in how we behave. However, the question of whether this statement applies to truth remains unanswered. Taking two examples, one may ask if there is strong proof that we as humans act the way...

Words: 4935

Pages: 18

Dawn – An analysis through the theory of performance enhancement

Dawn, by Octavia E. Steward, is a novel about the plight and optimism of people who have been ravaged by a devastating war. Any of the human survivors were rescued mostly for their own gain by an alien race. The aliens, dubbed the Oankali, are nothing like humans. They are...

Words: 4493

Pages: 17


People express themselves through music Music is one of the mediums used to demonstrate diversity. In their heart, musical works serve as a conduit for humans to communicate with themselves and others. It is a platform where people can find a sense of belonging. The fact can be observed and linked...

Words: 2092

Pages: 8


I chose the food topic. This is because food is an essential component of human life, and because there has never been a suitable human body fuel that could supplement it, there has been an abundance of food lore spread throughout human society. Food has a different significance for each individual....

Words: 1519

Pages: 6

Body Knowledge

Body Awareness in Choreography Because of the many movements used in choreography, body awareness is essential. It is important to remember that a movement improv is a sensory act, so it is highly reliant on experience. As a result, various elements of an improv determine the extent of body experience that...

Words: 689

Pages: 3

The Baroque, Palladian and Georgian/Neoclassical Styles in Europe

Architectural Styles Throughout History: Throughout history, man has developed, manufactured, and used a variety of architectural styles. Any of these types are now considered old, but they are still useful as objects to remind us of the past events and significance that gave rise to their creation. These architectural styles have...

Words: 1083

Pages: 4

Archaeology and Biological Anthropology

Both modern humans inhabiting various parts of the globe are members of the genus Homo and the species Sapiens, hence the term Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens arose in Africa after the rapid climatic shifts that happened over 200, 000 years ago. They, like early humans, lived in unstable weather environments...

Words: 1741

Pages: 7


The Neanderthals as Our Ancestors The fact that Neanderthals are part of our ancestors does not come as a surprise. They were the same size as humans and had almost identical morphological characteristics (Trinkaus & William 124). They, on the other hand, appeared to be shorter in stature but shared certain...

Words: 593

Pages: 3

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