Problem Solution Essays

Quite popular in the Law and Marketing disciplines, problem solution essay samples represent a type of persuasion where an author tries to persuade one's audience to show some care about the issue in question by offering solutions to a problem. Writing a problem-solution essay means determining the problem and coming up with a list of pre-made defensive statements or reasoning, so you can address the concerns of your readers. It should represent a specific debate where you must guess the possible objectives of your audience and address them in each body paragraph. Check our free problem solution essay examples to see how to structure your thoughts and sound persuasive enough to maintain your thesis statement's reliability.

A Transaction Analysis of a Samsung Electronics' Smartphone Purchase

The paper analyzes a recent transaction which involves the purchase of a smartphone from Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. In terms of consumer preference, the decisions to buy the smartphone from Samsung was due to its high-end features and low prices compared to other smartphone devices. Consumer preference and choices in...

Words: 1211

Pages: 5

Business Model Canvas

A business ideal canvas A business ideal canvas is a means that allows for strategic management and entrepreneurship. With the business model canvas, the business can be subdivided into smaller understandable and comprehensive segments or sub-divisions. The business canvas model makes it possible for a business to outline and describe its...

Words: 1349

Pages: 5

Workplace Stress Study

The workplace in many organizations has become a stress-filled environment as employees face burdens such as tight work deadlines, lack of job satisfaction, long working hours and also the pressure to perform better than others. According to Grawitch, Gottschalk, " Munz (2006), workplace stress not only affects the well-being of...

Words: 935

Pages: 4

The Case of Microsoft

a) As the consultant, I would expect a return of not less than 5%, having taken funds from a business which returns or earnings are 4% to invest in a new project. Since the capital for investment has originated from different sources, each of the latter represents a different opportunity cost....

Words: 526

Pages: 2

Impact of Airbnb on the Hotel Industry

The Business Environment and the Sharing Economy The business environment is dynamic, and the need to create value from the available resources has allowed the individuals and corporates to device ways of making profits from otherwise dormant assets. The sharing economy which was traditionally defined as the joint use of facilities among...

Words: 1161

Pages: 5

Paypal and Monzo Mobile Banking Comparison

The emergence of online banking The emergence of online banking brought change to the banking industry and made banking experience better for the customers since they can get access to the details of their bank accounts any time wherever they are through the website of the bank. Continuous advancement in the...

Words: 1553

Pages: 6

Project Management Ethics

Project Managers' Ethical Obligations Project managers have an obligation to fulfill the highest ethical standards while performing their duties. The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct discusses the expectations placed on project managers (Boral, 2016). Professionals from project management formed the Code based on their decision-making processes. Values such as honesty,...

Words: 678

Pages: 3

The Effect of the Security Life Cycle Model on E-Commerce

Security Vulnerabilities in E-commerce Security vulnerabilities have in the recent past affected and changes people’s perception about e-commerce. Cyber-attacks are a major threat to companies with one of the most affected being Yahoo. Over the years, the company has earned global recognition for its web services, which include Yahoo Finance, Yahoo...

Words: 650

Pages: 3

Character Analysis in The Tragedy of Errors

The Plot The plot is the first element of drama, and it represents the events of the drama. The plot reveals the journey, quest and the desires of the characters and keeps the audience engaged in the entire play. The plot helps to build the relationships and develop trust with the...

Words: 1367

Pages: 5

Biography of Eugene O'Neill

In a hotel on the corner of Broadway and 43rd street in New York City Eugene Gladstone O'Neill is born on October 17th, 1888, a fitting beginning for a man who turned to be one of the greatest playwrights in America. Early Life and Career His father, James O’Neill was a popular American...

Words: 1548

Pages: 6

Analysis of Two Plays: "A Doll's House" and "A Glass Menagerie"

Comparing and Contrasting two plays: “The Glass Menagerie” by Tennesse Williams and “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen. Bloom, Harold. Tennessee Williams's The Glass Menagerie. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2007. The book tries to bring out more about Tom Wingfield, the father to the narrator, who in the whole play is little...

Words: 550

Pages: 2

The Pros and Cons of Gun Control

Gun Control Gun control is an act where regulations are put in place to help control the use of the harmful weapons amongst the citizens. In the United, there has been an emergence of the debate whether gun use should be limited to some individuals or every citizen should be allowed...

Words: 1890

Pages: 7

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