Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

Why I Want to Work for Google

It requires little thinking to choose to work with a well reputable company. Such a company would provide much more than mere livelihood or employment. Today, originations offer several employee value propositions to attract only the best talents and skills. A modern firm is not merely a place to work...

Words: 634

Pages: 3

Firefighter's Exposure to Carcinogenic Agents

Studies on the Increase in Cancer Rates Studies by health professions have indicated that there is an increase in the rate of cancer-related to oral, primary digestion, urinary, and respiratory systems. Among the most common cancer-causing agents include asbestos, arsenic, formaldehyde, soot, and diesel engine exhaust. Most of these carcinogenic agents...

Words: 696

Pages: 3

The Role of Symbolism in "The Machine Stops"

is a narrative that explains events resembling two different types of religion. It is concerned mainly with the faith practiced by different people. The book describes the people as those who live in isolation and cannot bear living on the earth`s surface thus they live on the ground one. The...

Words: 868

Pages: 4

The Effects of Drug Abuse and Alcoholism on Family Violence

Emerging Issues in the World Emerging issues in the world have taken a different scope influenced by the ever-dynamic life of man. It is quite clear that observable steps can be seen when it all started to the war against servitude during the dark ages, military demonstration in the era of...

Words: 1033

Pages: 4

The Prime Minister's Salary

A Canadian prime minister’s annual salary is set by legislation at $315,462. in contrast, the president and CEO of RBC received over $10 million last year. Is the Canadian prime minister adequately paid? In most countries, it is noted that the chief executive officers earn more than politicians and that includes...

Words: 544

Pages: 2

Analysis of Two Kinds by Amy Tan

Amy Tan's Two Kinds Amy Tan’s Two Kinds is a short story whose main theme draws from the title. The story was published in the book Luck Club. The main character in the short story is Jing-mei Woo or just June, the daughter of Suyuan Woo. The story explores how the...

Words: 1175

Pages: 5

Impact of Globalization on the Economic Growth of Developing Countries

The Impact of Globalization on Economic Growth Among Developing Countries The title of the article is the Impact of Globalization on Economic Growth Among Developing Countries. This article was co-authored by Aisahath Reeshan who holds a bachelor of arts in international management from Anglia Ruskin University the UK and Zuhair Hassan,...

Words: 1271

Pages: 5

Job Satisfaction: The Basis of Satisfying Work

The Value of Work and Job Satisfaction The world has transitioned into both complex and non-complex scenarios with people having various perceptions about job responsibilities. They link the type of job an individual holds to the amount of money they earn and the standard of living they afford. A substantial percentage...

Words: 1525

Pages: 6

The Rise of Pornography in Social Media

Pornification is the acceptance or rather normalizing of pornographic and sexual themes rotating in social media platforms. Today’s society living in an internet environment. It is slowly by slowly emulating and seeing it as normal for existence of sexual and pornographic sites that are all over the internet. Pornographic creations...

Words: 1767

Pages: 7

The Development of Intersectionality

What social/historical elements existed that led to intersectionality emerging as a strand of Black Feminist thought? Discuss the elements of intersectionality’s emergence in a history of social movement activism.             Intersectionality is a concept by which the individuals can be able to describe multiple oppressions that they go through. In...

Words: 1163

Pages: 5

Are Police Caution A Soft Option? Reoffending Among Juveniles Cautioned Or Referred To Court

Wang, J., New Zealand Journal Of Criminology, 000486581879423. doi: 10.1177/0004865818794235 This article written by Wang et al (2018), studies the correlation between Police caution as a soft option and reoffending among juveniles cautioned or referred to court in Australia and New Zealand. Based on the previous research in the...

Words: 1314

Pages: 5

Working Class School Leavers in Ireland Compared to their Middle Class Peers

Failure of Progression onto Third Level Education from Working Class School Leavers Compared to their Middle-Class Peers             According to research conducted by the Economic and Social Research Institute in Ireland, about 70% of students who progress to third level education are middle-class peers, and only 28% are working class school...

Words: 2070

Pages: 8

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