Persuasive Essays

The success of any persuasive paper is in influencing one’s target audience and explaining why some things are important and worth being investigated. As you can see from our free essay examples, persuasive writing may differ from critique reviews to those essays that deal with complex matters dealing with social problems or environmental challenges. Almost every essay sample that you may encounter will include a clear set of ideas that will range from the strongest to the less important ones. You must not forget about logic, especially if you want to persuade your readers that something you might talk about is more important than something else related to your essay.

The Benefits of Learning Spanish

Learning the English language can become one of the most profitable ventures to an immigrant. The knowledge of the language can make it easier for one to maneuver in their environment as well as get jobs easily to sustain themselves as well as family members. However, the process proves to...

Words: 563

Pages: 3

Social Media and Privacy

Part of the significant discoveries of the twenty-first century is the rapid and proliferation of social media not only among the teenagers but across people of all ages and gender across the globe. Nowadays internet has become a necessary phenomenon, with most people not understanding the dark effects associated with...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

The Spice Girls and The Riot Grrl Movement

Cool refers to something dangerous, original, a style and always related to sex. The feminist movement has always been cool throughout history. Some of the feminist movements that represented cool in the 90s include the Riot Grrl and the spice girls among many others.  Feminists usually ascribe to girl power...

Words: 922

Pages: 4

The Psychology of Jem

Everyone has friends who have acted out of character, who have said or done something that is not like them. When such a person is not acting like himself, we know him and how he or she should behave. A Mockingbird, for instance, defines a creature that does not do...

Words: 2332

Pages: 9

Death in The Plays of Sophocles and Euripides

Among other ideas, Medea, Oedipus, and the Aeneid have a common line of death that was a result of a conflict between a man and a woman, which will be considered in this paper. The women of these tales could not see life beyond the pain that had been afflicted on...

Words: 333

Pages: 2

Discriminatory Treatment of Police Towards Citizens

Discriminatory Treatment of Police towards Citizens Why is the manner in which the police handle people depending on their class and ethnicity termed to be discriminative? The intensity of force used by law enforcement agents completely contradicts their training and imperative to serve and protect. Both articles explore the issue of...

Words: 843

Pages: 4

The Importance of Seat Belts in Vehicles

The Importance of Seat Belts in Vehicles The importance of seat belts in vehicles has been a controversial issue with each side of the debate having solid facts to back up their stand. Having seat belts installed in cars is normally driven by the physics’ concept of inertia based on the...

Words: 936

Pages: 4

Causes of Poor Health in the United States

Introduction United States continue to suffer from poor health despite the many progresses made in other spheres. Citizens are dying younger and facing more illnesses and injuries than other developed nations in the world. The irony of the poor health crisis is that the government is spending a lot of money...

Words: 1296

Pages: 5

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Since its independence in 1776, United States of America has had a depraved history of racism. Socially and legally approved rights and privileges were given mostly to white American but not to the African-Americans, Asian-Americans and Native Americans. There were separate schools for the whites and other communities (Winter 12)....

Words: 2880

Pages: 11

Modernization of Traditional Heroes

Modernization of Traditional Heroes Traditional heroes are becoming modernized due to emergence of alternative forms of storytelling in which tragedies are rare. Today, it is an unacceptable norm to let a hero die except in the cases of noble sacrifice or through murder by evil. Even if this happens, the actions...

Words: 1135

Pages: 5

Sonia Sotomayor's My Beloved World

The Journey of Sonya Sotomayor The first Hispanic and third woman to sit on the Supreme Court bench, Sonya Sotomayor is undoubtedly an icon to many in the world. Her great feats, however, caused many to be curious about her journey. Sonia's appointment as a supreme court judge has dramatically fueled...

Words: 614

Pages: 3

The Truth about "Toddlers and Tiara"

Student B’s essay, The Truth about Toddlers and Tiaras, does well to shine a light on the profoundly detrimental effects of the subjection of very young girls to the notion that external beauty, is all that matters in life. By critically examining the effect that Toddlers and Tiaras have had on...

Words: 286

Pages: 2

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