Personal Narrative Essays

Firstly, we must remind you that a personal narrative is not an autobiography or a resume that you must write. When writing your narrative task, the topics that can be chosen vary from the reasons behind your academic choice and your role model to breaking up with your best friend and sharing your thoughts on social justice. Our essay examples provide a plethora of various ideas that you can use as drafts. Remember to start with a great hook to inspire your readers and shape your thoughts logically. Notice how each paper sample uses connective words between the paragraphs to keep narration clear. In most cases, you can tell about a single day or an experience that you have witnessed. Such writing is usually done in the first person.


Integrity is an important factor in determining a person's credibility (Covey, 2009). It is possible to harm one's career by failing to share crucial information. People with a track record of being genuine and objective are thought to be more credible at work. A person with integrity demonstrates humility, boldness,...

Words: 281

Pages: 2

accident plane crash such as that of Pan Am Flight 759

In the event of a plane crash, such as Pan Am Flight 759, emergency reaction and firefighting are critical to mitigating the effects of crash explosions. The firemen must understand how to manage the fire in accordance with emergency response procedures that have evolved over the last thirty years to...

Words: 3013

Pages: 11

Japan Airlines Flight 123

In 1985, Japan Airlines Flight 123 was planned to take the sixth flight from Tokyo to Osaka at Haneda Airport. Nevertheless, the flight was cut short around twelve minutes after takeoff due to a tremor, cabin decompression, and a loud band. Following then, the plane's essential systems gradually failed, resulting...

Words: 768

Pages: 3

rule that governs our behavior on philosophies and principle decisions

Ethics and Decision Making in the Case Study Ethics is the guideline that guides our behavior based on philosophies and principle judgements about what is wrong or right. Ethics apply to any group of people, and ideas differ from one community to the next. Mike and Joanne, according to "Case Study:...

Words: 1602

Pages: 6

Is Empathy Necessary for Morality?

Empathy and morality have a fundamental yet complex link. The complication stems from a lack of awareness of what morality implies, or from the numerous meanings and nature of empathy. By caring about the well-being of others, compassion makes us better people, but putting empathy at the center of morality...

Words: 554

Pages: 3

The Role of Community/Public Health Nursing and Community Partnerships

Community/public health nursing and community partnerships combine information and involvement about the entire population with clinical and personal understandings of sickness and well-being experiences of individuals and families in society. Collaboration, combining abilities, and sharing resources increase the likelihood and chances for favorable health outcomes. Because of the high cost...

Words: 757

Pages: 3


Collaboration must be prioritized in order for any team to prosper. Inter-professional collaboration, which increases professional creativity, is essential for healthcare providers and organizations to thrive. Quality treatment and patient happiness always emerge when physicians, nurses, and other stakeholders collaborate through effective communication tactics. This technique develops both individual and...

Words: 1072

Pages: 4

Nursing Care across a Lifespan

Ambulatory Care Nursing Ambulatory care nursing comprises providing care to people, families, groups, populations, carers, and communities throughout their lives (Bardsley, Blunt, Davies, & Dixon, 2013). Ambulatory care nursing encompasses registered nurses' organizational, professional, and clinical engagement for the aforementioned populations seeking support in improving their general well-being or seeking care...

Words: 702

Pages: 3


Accreditation in Healthcare Accreditation is a globally recognized procedure for assessing the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of health care institutions. It is an evidence-based standard approach that results in improved quality health services as well as a safer environment. The certification method is used in at least 70 countries' health-care systems....

Words: 1404

Pages: 6

Personal Philosophy

A person's leadership philosophy reveals how he or she sees himself or herself as a leader. Some people feel that leadership comes naturally, while others believe that it can be acquired and taught. In any case, specific leadership philosophy will evolve throughout time as a result of internal and external...

Words: 1384

Pages: 6

The term healthcare finance

"As used in this book, the word healthcare finance refers to the accounting and financial management principles and practices employed inside healthcare organizations to assure the financial well-being of the enterprise." (textbook quotation) Accounting and financial management are two primary aspects of healthcare finance. Accounting refers to an organization's business transactional...

Words: 382

Pages: 2

the Security of Data

In the case that I was in charge of a company's human resources department, I would make use of all available communication methods to inform employees of a data security policy that required the use of software to verify their emails. To ensure that the policy is clearly defined, these...

Words: 886

Pages: 4

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