Definition Essays

When it comes to writing a definition essay, the most important is to be precise and provide a definition that can be supported by facts, statistics, or reliable examples. Even if you must deal with a philosophical matter, a definition essay must offer various interpretations of a term or a belief by explaining the basics behind each academic direction. Use our free essay examples as a source to learn more about definition essay structure and the formatting rules. In most cases, you should turn to dictionaries and scientific journals as it is done in most definition paper samples that we provide, yet avoid Wikipedia as it is usually among the forbidden sources to use in a typical college or university environment.

The Rise of Police State in the United States

The United States has become its own worst nightmare. In 2015, the average number of the individuals who were killed by the police in the country was at 2.6 while in Britain; there were only 2 people that had been killed for the last 3 years by the law enforcement...

Words: 2388

Pages: 9

Analysis of Abortion in the United States

Abortion is the deliberate medical process of terminating a pregnancy among human beings. It is currently a safe and legal way of doing away with unwanted pregnancy. Every woman has the right of deciding whether to keep a pregnancy or terminate it. If one feels that abortion is in her...

Words: 3223

Pages: 12

Bacterial and Archaea Viruses

There are two types of viruses which fall into the prokaryotes class, and they include actual viruses and bacterial viruses (Nester, 2012). However, not all archaea and bacteria can be categorized as prokaryotes. Bacterial and archaeal organisms are similar in appearances and can frequently be confused by looks alone. However,...

Words: 1235

Pages: 5

The Yellow Wallpaper as an Unreliable Narrator in Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

The Unreliable Narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper" The narrator in "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a woman who has a belief that she is not well. She acts several roles while narrating the story. Her direct role is pretending that she is a patient by demonstrating that she...

Words: 919

Pages: 4

Tattooing and Piercing Body Modifications

Tattoos and Piercings: Issues of Body Modification and the Workplace Annotated Bibliography Introduction Body modifications are currently at its peak. It has undergone a number of generations up to the current century. The author in his article examines the following with regard to tattooing and body modifications; 1. The...

Words: 348

Pages: 2

Analysis of Tim and Lionel’s Case of Child Pornography

Today’s society is grappling with a consistent increase in the crimes. Crime has broadened its width and today both adults and children below the age of 18 years have fallen prey to criminal activities and factors such as technology have been pivotal in facilitating the occurrence of crime. Researchers have...

Words: 2896

Pages: 11

Orwell's Concept of Power in Shooting an Elephant

Shooting an Elephant Shooting an Elephant, was written by George Orwell who recounts a situation from his life when he was around twenty years during which he was required to demonstrate how powerful he was as an army (Orwell 8). Later on, the episode seems to be haunting him. The story...

Words: 612

Pages: 3

The Global Challenge of Air Pollution: Health and Environmental Impacts

Air Pollution Air pollution refers to the emissions of harmful substances to the atmosphere in form of odour, smoke and dust particles, getting to the atmosphere in that they become dangerous to people and animals. This leads to the death of the living organism, discomfort, and diseases to humans and food...

Words: 1440

Pages: 6

An Annotation on the Problem of Racism in the United States

Grad Team, in his 2016 article, “How to end institutional racism,” emphatically states the vicious yet short-lived political concern about racism during campaign trails. In his opening statement, he observes, somewhat regrettably, that despite making enormous promises during campaigns, politicians rarely follow them through after the waves. He observes that...

Words: 1193

Pages: 5

Analysis of Annie Wilke`s Bipolar Condition as portrayed in ‘Misery’

Misery: A Critical Analysis of the Film's Antagonist Misery is a critically acclaimed American horror film that was released in 1990 based on, and inspired by Stephen King`s novel by the same title. The movie starred James Can and the academy award winning actress, Kathy Bates, who played the role of...

Words: 1839

Pages: 7

The Poem 'On Being Brought From Africa to America' by Phillis Wheatley

The poem is by Phillis Wheatley and is titled “On Being Brought from Africa to America” This is how the poem reads: Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there's a God, that there's a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither sought nor knew. Some view our sable...

Words: 770

Pages: 3

The State of Traffic in Atlanta

The State of Traffic in Atlanta There has been plenty of talk within the last couple of years regarding the state of traffic in Atlanta from Buckhead to downtown and sometimes Grant Park. Reports indicate that the state of insufferable congestion in Atlanta could have been underestimated. A report by the...

Words: 1185

Pages: 5

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