Classification Essays

Classification essays belong to simpler academic tasks, especially if you have free essay examples to use as a reference. The purpose of this paper is to classify provided ideas, objects, or publications according to a category or specific qualities. The essay examples in our list contain various topics, so you can choose among them to see how this classification must be done. Remember that it is not a comparison assignment, which means that you do not have to compare but only to sort your findings based on particular criteria. Pay attention to formatting rules found in every essay example, especially the introduction part that must explain why you have used a certain classification method.

Domestic violence as a social issue

The violence that results from domestic misunderstandings is a serious social issue as it possesses the threat of tearing down contemporary founded families and societies. It’s committed by an individual as a result of making a conscious judgment to enforce power and control over an intimate companion. Abusers often resort...

Words: 1325

Pages: 5

American Born Chinese

“American Born Chinese,” Guen Luen Yang’s Printz Award-winning graphic novel, explores the life of Asian- American adolescents. The novel illustrates the experiences of racial minorities and their interactions with the dominant race. The writer uses the individual stories of three characters to bring out the theme of racial identity and...

Words: 957

Pages: 4

The Importance of Listening

Listening Skills: Importance and Effective Techniques Listening is one of the essential skills in life. People listen to get the instructions so that they can fulfill a particular task accordingly. Listening requires an individual to concentrate on what the speaker says and process the information to understand the proper meaning. On...

Words: 338

Pages: 2

Advantages and Disadvantages of Telecommuting

Telecommuting: A Cost-Effective Option for Companies Telecommuting is a work arrangement between the employer and the employee to have the latter delivering on their employment mandate outside the work environment; often working from home or a location close to home. The employee keeps in touch with co-workers and the employer via...

Words: 1927

Pages: 8

Factors Influencing the Demand for Mobile Phones

Supply and Demand of Mobile Phones Almost every individual across the globe uses mobile phones services and due to this product has many manufacturers. The primary producers are Samsung and Apple conglomerates which have dominated the contemporary market. There is, therefore, stiff competition in the mobile phone market and every firm...

Words: 1142

Pages: 5

Porter's Five Forces Analysis of the Aerospace Industry

Rolls-Royce PLC is an aircraft manufacture organization based in Britain. It was noted in the 20th century as a leading maker of luxury automobiles but it nationalized and separated from its car-manufacturing operations following the bankruptcy in 1971 (Harrison, 2017).  The organization has put in place several strategies for it...

Words: 843

Pages: 4

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) The internet of things (IoT) describes the network of various physical devices such as home appliances, vehicles, as well as various other home appliances that are equipped with sensors and software that enable connectivity. In return, connectivity allows for connection and the exchange of data, which...

Words: 295

Pages: 2

A Cross-Culture Research on Leadership and Management in the Philippines and China

The Leadership and Management Styles by Cross-Culture The leadership and management styles by cross-culture is a discourse that interest many researchers and scholars. Culture presents a clear leadership and management approach although it has deteriorated due to westernization, globalization, and education (Talaghani, Salmani and Taatian, 2010). Gender Perspective and Culture A study conducted...

Words: 1013

Pages: 4

Gender Inclusion in Aviation

Most American Airlines are currently facing shortage due to the management’s inability to incorporate balance in gender and social inclusion (Germain, Herzog " Hamilton, 2012). Studies indicate that over the last three decades, the number of pilots has drastically reduced, but e replacements have been few. As such, there is...

Words: 2017

Pages: 8

Performance Management System in Barclays Bank

Barclays Bank: Overview Barclays bank is the third largest bank in the world with 155,000 employees around the globe. The bank was incorporated on 20th July 1896, and its financial services are global. The company is involved in wholesale banking, credit cards, investment banking, investment management and wealth management services. In...

Words: 1972

Pages: 8

Analysis of Financial Statements

Trend analysis is the overall growth of the key financial statement aspects to include of the sales and income which is based on the original year of study. In our case, our analysis will be based on the previous year which clearly shows the trend of analysis within years. year Net profit growth percentage...

Words: 1628

Pages: 6

Job Description of Marketing Manager

The marketing manager is responsible for formulation and management of marketing strategies and policies that will help the company develop a competitive edge in the market while at the same time build upon a keen interest in customer satisfaction (Roberts, Gary, Seldon, and Roberts 2013). However, the marketing manager work...

Words: 2247

Pages: 9

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