Impact of Virtual Reality on The Gaming Industry

Virtual Reality and the Gaming Industry Virtual reality is a technological invention that entails creating an artificial environment using software that appeals to individual’s senses making them experience the environment as if they were really there (Berg & Vance 2017, p. 3). In today's world, this technology has become cheap leading...

Words: 1219

Pages: 5


A study to see if gender influences the amount of nausea felt when witnessing perspective-motion in a virtual reality setting. What will be your dependent measure and how will you measure it, and how will you operationalize your research question? The dependent measure, which should indicate the amount of nausea, would be...

Words: 810

Pages: 3

Virtual reality

Virtual Reality (VR) In my opinion, virtual reality is a cutting-edge technology that attempts to bring everything together for a quicker and more seamless transition of the business. Regardless of how pricey it may be, it eventually saves money.Complete Immersion Most users of VR, regardless of location, are thought to be completely...

Words: 351

Pages: 2

Befriending vs. Friending

The Distinction Between Virtual Friends and Actual Friends The scientist has had different opinions for many years, highlighting the distinction between virtual friends as well as actual friends. Based on common analysis and understanding of friendship and friendship, the two terms vary distinctly from the definitions involved (Cattan et al. 2011)....

Words: 583

Pages: 3

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