Sexual Assaults

Sexual assault is one of the most hazardous crimes that a person can encounter. Sexual assault is made worse not by the bodily injury but the psychological and medical outcomes that come after. Victims of sexual assault are more likely to develop depression, delinquent behavior, low self-esteem, and even commit...

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Sexual Assault on College Campuses

Sexual harassment encompasses a broad variety of unwelcome and coerced sexual acts. It includes rape attempts, non-consensual physical touches, and rape. It is literally inappropriately touching or penetrating one's body against their will. Sexual harassment in universities is a common and long-standing issue. Sexual abuse is horrifying, and those who...

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Gun Control

The ban on gun ownership in the United States was enacted in response to a number of recent shootings (Wellman 145). As a result, several controversies have erupted over whether possession of such devices, which have taken many lives, should be controlled. Notably, gun possession has been a political concept...

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Cyber bullying, Freedom of Expression, Defamation, and Facebook

Facebook case Since a provider of an interactive computer service should be kept responsible for delivering speech online, Facebook is immune from responsibility for the content shared by third parties. Allowing users to leave comments on a page or publish something does not open a business to the risk of being...

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Police brutality.

When a police officer uses excessive and needless brutality on people, he is said to be brutal. The police violence has been documented in a number of countries around the world. Several people have come to accept that police violence only happens against oppressed and marginalized communities as a result...

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LGBT Homelessness: A Growing Problem LGBT is an abbreviation for lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, and transgender people (Kath Browne 88). With each passing year, a growing number of LGBT youths experience homelessness. As a result, these teens are expected to live on the streets after being evicted from their homes or deciding...

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Domestic Violence

Tsavoussis' essay discusses the psychological effects of domestic violence on children's health. Domestic abuse in homes, according to the report, has a significant impact on children's growth and development. Domestic abuse is prevalent in the United States, with a prevalence rate ranging from 3.4 to 9.2 percent. According to a...

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media violence

Media Violence and its Controversies Media violence has been the subject of controversy, particularly with respect to its perceived control on teenagers, where it is believed to encourage violent behaviour. Violence in the media is commonly seen across a variety of platforms, including news, movies, computer games, and social media. Following...

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Consent to Sexual Relations

Introduction Before engaging in a sexual act, the individual who initiates should receive explicit permission from the other party. Furthermore, consent must be given at all times during the sexual experience. The willingness as well as the intention of the partners in a sexual act is known as sexual consent. Consent...

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Preventing Child Abuse

Article one of the UNICEF Children Act identifies a child as an individual under the age of 18, unless a different state has a lower legal age (UNICEF par.1). Child trafficking prevention is a top priority for numerous organizations dedicated to protecting children's interests. Child neglect may be committed by...

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Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

The Negative Effects of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse You are content writer. You have to add headings with html tags h2 or h3 for any of paragraphs in original text. The negative effects of domestic violence and child abuse provide ample justification for why this activity must...

Words: 1325

Pages: 5

The dangerous faceless bully: Teenage cyber bullying

The Modern Day Bully The twenty first century bully is not your usual mean searching Joe at the end of the street block. The modern day bully is a faceless character hiding behind a keyboard. Cases of cyberbullying have steadily risen over the last decade to catastrophic levels. With the myriad...

Words: 892

Pages: 4

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