Essays on Tradition

Everyone wrote a tradition essay at least once. Tradition essays are a great excuse to learn about your local culture and its origins. Curiously, the modern world shows increasing interest in traditions – local crafts, folklore, literature, music, spiritual, culinary, and medicinal practices. By experiencing them, humans delve deeper into the origins of culture and learn to cherish unique national favor. Traditions often include guidance, lessons on ethics and esthetics, rules, and ways of everyday life. We compiled some exemplary tradition essay samples for you to browse while working on your essay – viewing samples helps gain perspective on the topic. Some essays on tradition prove to be more difficult for students, so we don’t simply provide insight, but write complete essays on request.

Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein Family Theme

Every community has a traditional value of a contented and happy family. Most individuals look for harmony and contentment within their families. In addition, the family continues to be one of the basic categories of intimate relationship in all societies. Families are therefore supposed to be joyful and humble. Families...

Words: 1124

Pages: 5

East Asian Foods

Introduction Despite their distinct cultures, traditions, and societal structures, China, Korea, and Japan, which make up East Asia, have a shared food culture that has persisted to the present day. Undoubtedly, as people moved from the Asian mainland to the Korean peninsula and then on to the Japanese archipelago, food culture...

Words: 1240

Pages: 5


A ritual is a ceremonial that consists of many actions performed in a specific order. Yet, these actions are frequently performed depending on a certain tribe in a country and cannot be considered innate acts (Quantz, O Connor, s self-control. Religion is frequently practiced, forming a tie between a...

Words: 1474

Pages: 6


How Hume s recommendations disrupt Kant s dogmatic slumber Kant s philosophical progress was based on the German tradition of rationalist metaphysics, and this was the dogmatic slumber. Hume broke the dogmatic slumber by demonstrating the relevance of knowledge claims as well as the difficulties in explaining them. Hume contends that...

Words: 546

Pages: 2

Indigenous Australia and people

What do you hope to accomplish or learn throughout the course? What do you want to learn about Indigenous Australia and its people? Please provide a comment about both your personal and professional life/perspective. Throughout this course, I hope to obtain a thorough grasp of Indigenous Australia and the current community...

Words: 1377

Pages: 6

The practice of paying bride price

The tradition of paying bride price is widespread throughout the world, and it is also an important cultural feature in the majority of Sub-Saharan African countries. A bride price is a mandatory payment made by a man to the family from which he obtains a daughter in marriage. Bride price...

Words: 1586

Pages: 6

Native American families in Lakota Woman

Oppression and Identity Crisis in Native American Communities Even if existentialism was at its height more than 50 years ago, minorities now face oppression on a variety of fronts that keeps them from making decisions that define who they are. Due to social unrest, poverty, and the loss of their traditional...

Words: 930

Pages: 4

Comparing Japanese Communication Dynamics to Western Culture

Each region has its own culture and traditions. Some nations and groups have strong links to their culture, which influences most aspects of their everyday existence. People are a little bit more enlightened in westernized countries like Europe and America, thus they choose to design their own desired lives rather...

Words: 1531

Pages: 6


Introduction It is undeniable that each Goe Pie development has a meaning and tells a specific historical and/or personal tale.First Impression I still recall how I felt when I first walked into the exhibition hall a week ago. She had evoked an exotic imperial emotion in me with her dramatic themed gowns...

Words: 632

Pages: 3

Akshardham Temple

The Akshardham Temple The Akshardham temple is one of the world's largest Indian temples. The temple, which is located in New Delhi, India, is a reflection of classical Hindu culture, architecture, and spirituality. As such, it plays cultural and theological roles in the lives of both Indians and visitors. Since its...

Words: 1659

Pages: 7

the comparison

Goe Pie's Collection and Marie Antoinette's Dress: A Comparison Goe Pie's collection evoked an exotic imperial feeling in me, and I felt like I was invited to live a mythological dream while considering her ancient traditional Chinese garments, thanks to her legendary and glorious production of dramatic themed gowns accompanied by...

Words: 484

Pages: 2

ZitKala-Sa “The trial path” and “Yellow Woman”

Tradition and Oral CustomsTradition is a simple and clear word; yet, it carries a plethora of essential connotations, including awareness, identity, feelings, guidance, and community. Oral customs, it is still real, are not normative and prescriptive literature. They should not attempt to illuminate things that may be in this universe,...

Words: 756

Pages: 3

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