Essays on Management

Risk Management at Workplace

Identification of Context for Risk Management Identification of the context for risk management is vital in establishing the internal and external parameters that are considered when responding to risks. Identifying tools and ensuring all reasonable steps are taken to determine risks is essential to estimate the inputs required in responding to...

Words: 364

Pages: 2

Human Resource Management Wal-Mart Inc.

Introduction Human resource management (HRM) is one of the critical business aspects that determine the competitiveness of an organization in the contemporary world. Employees are significant in the implementation of policies and creation of a brand for the company in any industry. Therefore, it is paramount for a firm to recruit...

Words: 1273

Pages: 5

The Role of Decision Support Systems in Promoting Successful Businesses

Century presents an era of intensive technology use in management decisions. Laudon Laudon (2012) assert that technology has become an ingrained part of business decision making as they strive to attain their strategic objectives and consequently acquire competitive advantage. Information systems (IS) are among some of the main...

Words: 708

Pages: 3

Performance Management System in Barclays Bank

Barclays Bank: Overview Barclays bank is the third largest bank in the world with 155,000 employees around the globe. The bank was incorporated on 20th July 1896, and its financial services are global. The company is involved in wholesale banking, credit cards, investment banking, investment management and wealth management services. In...

Words: 1972

Pages: 8

Accounting for Merchandising Companies

Reasons for the Inventory account requiring adjustment at year-end. These accounts require adjustment at the year-end since they may be incorrect due to various reasons such as recording errors, theft or waste. Merchandisers who use perpetual systems need additional adjustments for the purpose of making records agree with actual inventories...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

The 5S Strategy in a Home Environment

The Toyota 5S Strategy The Toyota 5S strategy is one of the widely used techniques in factories, offices, and other work-related environments. The culture initially began in Japan but with spread to the US and later on the rest of the world. It started as a process to enhance efficiency since...

Words: 628

Pages: 3

Innovation in the Retail Industry

The Internal Processes and Challenges in a Workplace The internal processes of a workplace can be executed regardless of the external business factors. The internal processes tackle vital aspects in the workplace and any organization in general, as it ensures delivery of primary services. In our workplace which is a retail...

Words: 1235

Pages: 5

Organizational Development

Organizational development (OD) Organizational development (OD) refers to the study of effective administrative adjustments and the performance of employees. It is used to modify areas that are not profitable for companies. In most cases, changes occur on technological set-ups, working culture, data storage, and financial management in the firms. The process...

Words: 351

Pages: 2

Implementation of a New Stock Monitoring System in Superbrand

In a competitive economy, the introduction of new technology is significant for any company that seeks to obtain high profits. However, the introduction of new technology such as new stock monitoring systems in a company requires staff training (Truitt, 2011). The main objectives of staff training include improving employee performance...

Words: 1078

Pages: 4

Larry Ellison: A Leader with a Unique Leadership Style

Leadership, as demonstrated by many scholars, has a direct impact on the control, performance, and success of most of the companies and businesses. Various managers opt to use a wide range of leadership styles, which are also tantamount to the personal traits and behaviors. A case study of Larry Ellison...

Words: 1626

Pages: 6

A Cross-Culture Research on Leadership and Management in the Philippines and China

The Leadership and Management Styles by Cross-Culture The leadership and management styles by cross-culture is a discourse that interest many researchers and scholars. Culture presents a clear leadership and management approach although it has deteriorated due to westernization, globalization, and education (Talaghani, Salmani and Taatian, 2010). Gender Perspective and Culture A study conducted...

Words: 1013

Pages: 4

The Role of Stakeholder in an Issue

The term stakeholder has been defined differently across the globe. It can be described as an individual who has an interest in the success of a business or an enterprise. In addition, it refers to someone who can impact on or is affected by a company or a given project....

Words: 1348

Pages: 5

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