Essays on Management

Comparison of Leadership Styles

Management experts always refer to leadership as a fluid practice, which changes and improves how people influence growth in various institutions (Anderson " Sun, 2017). However, different leaders demonstrate diverse styles in managing their subordinates. Some of the most common management styles include but not limited to democratic, autocratic, laissez-fair,...

Words: 401

Pages: 2

Charismatic, Transformational and Transactional Leadership

Leaders and their Roles Leaders are people who guide themselves and others to doing the right thing. They set direction on how things should run and also build a vision that people they lead can connect to and work to achieve the purposes of the concept. Leaders are the ones who...

Words: 1464

Pages: 6

The Recruitment Process of Coca-Cola

The Role of the Director of Recruitment in Company Success The success, as well as the failure of companies, depends on its workforce who influence many aspects such as business strategies. Acquisition of the most suitable blend of skills, knowledge, and abilities propels the achievement of company objectives. A proper recruitment...

Words: 896

Pages: 4

The Corporate Social Responsibility of Apple Inc

Businesses operate in the society The association of a company and the community leads to a dynamic relationship. Enterprises strive for a symbiotic relationship which can benefit all stakeholders and avoid conflict. With the social performance of organizations becoming an element of success, it is essential to analyze companies such as...

Words: 1228

Pages: 5

Workplace Stress Study

The workplace in many organizations has become a stress-filled environment as employees face burdens such as tight work deadlines, lack of job satisfaction, long working hours and also the pressure to perform better than others. According to Grawitch, Gottschalk, " Munz (2006), workplace stress not only affects the well-being of...

Words: 935

Pages: 4

Importance of Higher Pay in Increasing Productivity

People's Motivation and Higher Pay People naturally require motivation to work. Consequently, they can be motivated by a higher pay to add more effort to their work and thus increase productivity. When one's payment is increased due to work is done, the person due to gratitude can increase his/her efforts at...

Words: 476

Pages: 2

Analysis of Financial Statements

Trend analysis is the overall growth of the key financial statement aspects to include of the sales and income which is based on the original year of study. In our case, our analysis will be based on the previous year which clearly shows the trend of analysis within years. year Net profit growth percentage...

Words: 1628

Pages: 6

The Rationality of Unison Trade Union

An organisation is a complex system that is structured systematically and includes a group of people backed by a management system that provides a collective effort towards the achievement of specific goals and objectives. It also provides the incentives to ensure the recruitment of other people to join in meeting...

Words: 2266

Pages: 9

The TripAdvisor Star Rating System

Stars are mostly used to classify products and services, e.g. hotels and restaurants regarding quality and quantity or a combination of both (Gavilan, Avello, Martinez-Navarro, 2018, p. 54). Ratings get assigned once a service or product gets assessed and its value correctly determined (Phillips, et al., 2016, p....

Words: 1470

Pages: 6

Analysis of Business and Project Management Environment in Delhi

After a comprehensive research on the business and project management environment in Delhi, the group analyzed some of the environmental factors affecting the business and project management. The group also did an evaluation of the very suitable times to hold business meetings in Delhi and assembled the report below. From a...

Words: 322

Pages: 2

The Case of Tiffany vs. Costco

Tiffany " Co. Rings has currently won a case against Costco due to trademark infringement and selling rings bearing the name Tiffany without authority of the company or trademark licensing board. Costco on the other hand argued that the imposed fine of $19.4 million is too high and unacceptable since...

Words: 744

Pages: 3

Introduction to Amazon Company

Amazon is an American electronic commerce and global computing company in Seattle, Washington in the USA. The corporation is an expertise colossal under the metrics of market capitalization. It has grander sales and it is operational by the aid of using a website which is the business platform. Moreover, the...

Words: 2630

Pages: 10

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