Essays on Language

Linguistic Anthropology

The Fields of Anthropology The fields of anthropology encompass linguistic anthropology, which deals with the communication technique in human beings, cultural anthropology whose primary focus is gaining knowledge of the culture of different corporations of people within the society, and organic anthropology, which deals with non-cultural aspects as these of monkeys....

Words: 758

Pages: 3

Linguistic Research

Linguistic Research in Dakota/Lakota Language may be a description of scholarly studies undertaken by scholars of the language and culture of the Sioux tribes from early 19th century to the 20th century. Missionaries of the first 19th century were curious about learning language so as to be effective in their...

Words: 3099

Pages: 12

Eric Bentley, a theatre refers to a performance done for someone else.

Original Text: Eric Bentley notes that a theater refers to a show performed for another human. The neolithic cave paintings are seen to be shifted when light reaches the cave in the film Cave of Lost Dreams. The classical chorus provided time for changes to both the actors and scene breaks....

Words: 432

Pages: 2

Plato's Influence on Plotinus' Thoughts

In the year 204 AD, a Greek philosopher named Plotinus was born in Egypt. He founded Neo-Platonism and is considered one of the greatest philosophers of antiquity. He closely followed Plato's teachings and philosophies as the founder of Neo-Platonism, believing that they contained many truths. Plotinus combined contemplation, philosophy, mysticism,...

Words: 1064

Pages: 4

The Oromo people of Ethiopia

The Oromo population occupies "Oromia," Ethiopia's central region with a total population of almost 30 million people (Hussein, 2004). Oromia is said to be the original motherland and they speak the language of Oromo. In addition to living their lives as nomadic pastoralists, the Oromo practice subsistence agriculture. They are...

Words: 1222

Pages: 5

english language learners challenges

This article reflects on English Language Learners in public schools. It discusses the difficulties that these students encounter in the classroom, such as a lack of English proficiency. On the other hand, it explores the implications of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which was introduced to determine students'...

Words: 1721

Pages: 7

Japanese Ceramics History

The Records of Japanese Ceramics The records of the Japanese ceramics started with the Jomon earthenware, which was later observed by the Yayoi that integrated most of the thoughts that began in the first period. The third length that followed was the Kofun, which existed round third and seventh centuries, and...

Words: 1446

Pages: 6

The Tattooer Book

The Tattooer The book The Tattooer reveals a lot about the position of art in the Japanese culture. The tattooer likes the way he creates tattoos due to the fact every drawing or tattoo is intended to communicate sure information inside the Japanese society. The book brings a photograph of...

Words: 938

Pages: 4

Anne Curzan “Says Who? Teaching and Questioning the Rules of Grammar”

A few intriguing and divisive questions clearly stand out in "Says Who? Teaching and Challenging the Laws of Grammar by Anne Curzan. In a wider and more important perspective, the points put forth by Curzan are very exciting, in the sense that vocabulary and the field of linguistics as a...

Words: 1195

Pages: 5

Saving dying languages

Saving dying languages is important due to countless reasons. One of the causes, why it is necessary to hold languages that are almost vanishing such as Kakuma in Peru, is to supply future generations the chance to hint their cultural origins and understand their past (Silver). It is also quintessential...

Words: 332

Pages: 2

Ukiyo-e Influence on Modern Art

Ukiyo-e: A Floating World Picture Ukiyo-e is a Japanese style of literature which translates to a floating world picture. The types of art had been produced between the 17th -20th century and made from woodblock prints. The initial pictures were made in black and white. Demand for greater shades and improvements...

Words: 294

Pages: 2

The formation of word

Complex Language and Word Formation in English Introduction It's a complex language, English. When the environment changes in all ways, so does the linguistic means of communication. For example, developments in the fashion industry result in new vocabulary. Four of the key factors that contribute to word-formation include a shift of context...

Words: 932

Pages: 4

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