Essays on Industry

The worldwide Trading Company (WWTC)

The Worldwide Trading Corporation (WWTC) is a large Hong Kong-based online broker. This company has around 9000 people spread over the globe in its branches. As a result of the dynamic business development, a regional center in New York was required. Today, the New York WWTC office is experiencing audit...

Words: 5020

Pages: 19

the technique of double integration in determining beam deflection

This study describes the use of the double integration approach to determine beam deflection. This technique involves the use of integration tools to create an equation that may be used to calculate beam deflection for beams with various cross-sectional areas. When using this procedure, keep the modulus of elasticity of...

Words: 1966

Pages: 8

Trade and Microeconomics

Trading is the financial act of purchasing and selling products and services. It entails exchanging commodities for money or its equivalent. Free trade is the economic policy adopted by global markets in which imports and exports to other countries are neither restricted or discriminated against. Investors from other economies can...

Words: 1221

Pages: 5

Amazon and eBay share e-commerce

We live in the e-commerce era We live in the e-commerce era, and an increasing number of businesses have e-commerce websites where they offer their products. Amazon and eBay are two of the most effective e-commerce platforms in my opinion. The two sites have a few characteristics that contribute to their...

Words: 426

Pages: 2

What are the consequences of large dams?

What are the ramifications of huge dams? List six big dam consequences, including three social and three environmental. You may use any required reading from the course. Provide supporting details and an explanation for each influence you describe, as well as a citation (Author, year: p.#). Utilize at least four...

Words: 1861

Pages: 7

Why do individuals and firms specialize and trade with one another? Who benefits?

Benefits of Specialization and Trade When a single country or even a person has a comparative advantage in terms of production, they have the potential to tremendously gain from trade and specialization (Hummels, & Schaur, 2012). Individuals and businesses, realizing this, contemplate specialized and trading with one another for a variety...

Words: 630

Pages: 3

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a free trade agreement signed by Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This deal was reached by George H.W. Bush's administration on December 17, 1992, but it took effect on January 1, 1994. The Benefits and Effects...

Words: 372

Pages: 2

The Impacts of Globalization on Cultural Diversities

Globalization and its Impacts on Cultural Diversity Globalization is the process of interaction and integration between individuals, groups, and governments from many nations. International trade, information technology, and investment all contribute to globalization. According to Cleveland, Rojas-Mendez, Laroche, and Papadopoulos (2016), globalization has a significant impact on human physical well-being, political...

Words: 1841

Pages: 7

Functional Aspects of the Kula Trade

Malinowski's Presentation of the Kula Trade Malinowski initially presents the Kula trade in The Argonauts of the Pacific in a more basic manner. He characterizes it as an extensive kind of exchange that is heavily infused with inter-tribal interactions.The Practice of the Kula Trade Some of the communities that reside in a...

Words: 684

Pages: 3

ecology and ecosystem

Impact of Agriculture on the Environment There are several human actions that significantly harm the environment. Agriculture is one of the main human activities that harm the environment, according to Stuart, Schewe, and McDermott (2014). In consequence, this is detrimental to both human life and other forms of life.Aquatic Life and...

Words: 461

Pages: 2

international economics

International Trade Policies and StrategiesInternational economist Robert Carbaugh addresses a number of problems with export and import tariffs in the book. According to American regulations, tariffs were initially designed to raise money, but as taxes rose, the regulations shifted to a focus on protecting. As a result, tariffs increased, which...

Words: 1726

Pages: 7

FedEx Leadership Challenge

Due to technology improvements, the competitive environment is always changing in most industries (Porter, 2008). FedEx, a corporation that provides international courier delivery services, has upped its ante in e-commerce with the introduction of FedFx Fulfillment networks. Similar to this, Amazon, a rival in the sector, has transformed its e-commerce...

Words: 2575

Pages: 10

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