Essays on Illness

Coronavirus: Lessons to Humanity

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic The coronavirus pandemic, as one of the most difficult emergencies to date, has clearly altered life as we formerly understood it. People learned to operate remotely, prevent unwanted external interaction, and refrain from moving for a period of time by staying in lockdowns. However, some...

Words: 559

Pages: 3

Courage is willingness or a choice to confront agony

Courage in Literature Courage is the desire or option to face agony, intimidation, discomfort, the threat of confusion. Its synonyms are courage and bravery. It may be either actual or spiritual. Physical courage is defined as bravery in the face of suffering, death, or adversity. On the other hand, moral bravery...

Words: 1219

Pages: 5

Type 1 Diabetes and Genetics

Type 1 diabetes (T1D), additionally referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes, is a disorder or a chronic situation characterized by substantially high blood sugar levels due to little or lack of insulin manufacturing by the pancreas. Insulin hormone is necessary for the absorption of sugar into the cells for strength production....

Words: 1139

Pages: 5

Medical Marijuana and Opioids Comparison

The use of opioids as painkillers The use of opioids as painkillers is a common phenomenon worldwide. Opioids are majorly used to treat post-surgery pain among sufferers who have undergone surgical procedure as well. Likewise, medical marijuana is gaining reputation on the same basis of pain remedy as opioids. In the...

Words: 930

Pages: 4

“Because I Could not Stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson

Because I couldn't stop for death, by Emily Dickinson, is the longest and most fascinating poem. Before she dies, the character continues to accept death. The poem's apparent message is that death will come to everyone, whether they are prepared or not. Nonetheless, from the speaker's point of view, death...

Words: 965

Pages: 4

how my mother died of uterus cancer

Cancer: A Silent Destroyer Cancer is a disease that destroys invisibly. Under my control, it progressively impaired my mother. She squandered her life away without even realizing it. A person's vitality, capacity to think, desire to live, finances, and enjoyment are all stripped away by sickness. It annihilates families like a...

Words: 1304

Pages: 5

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a disorder with no particular reasons for concern, characterized by exaggerated, intense anxiety as well as concern about everyday activities. People with symptoms of this condition often seem to predict disasters and can not stop worrying about problems such as family, money,...

Words: 1145

Pages: 5

Regarding the columbian exchange

The Columbian Exchange By concept, the Colombian exchange was a time of biological and cultural interactions that took place between the New and Old Worlds. In fact, trades between cattle, viruses, plants, and the native American way of life and technologies have changed European life have taken place. In addition, the...

Words: 658

Pages: 3

Is a factor behind child obesity parental negligence?

Obesity is characterized by excessive fat accumulation in the body (Chubdari, 2015). These fats are in the form of cholesterol, which is detrimental to the individual's wellbeing, especially to children who are unable to monitor their diets. Different controversial ideas on the topic of maternal neglect have been set in...

Words: 671

Pages: 3

Counteracting Children Obesity in Saudi Arabia

Obesity is a medical health issue when an individual is fat or has excessive weight. This state influences all body segments, and it can happen because of various factors such as lifestyle, an advanced quantity of fat consumption, and the environment. The technology influenced the majority of children s...

Words: 982

Pages: 4

Pros and cons of drinking water

When a specialist visits a specific disease, there is a strong possibility that they will often investigate one's actions on the basis of water consumption in terms of both the volume of drinking per day and regularity. They show that water use has tremendous social, economic and health benefits (Hulton,...

Words: 427

Pages: 2

Markus Zusak

In his novel "The Book Thief," Markus Zusak employs excellent grammar to characterize the characters. His use of words regarding a certain character leads the reader to infer the character's actions and personality. This essay would look at how Zusak uses diction to develop the characters in his novel....

Words: 2139

Pages: 8

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