Essays on Illness

Challenges that contributed to the high mortality rates in Sierra Leone

The current research piece outlined the problems that contributed to Sierra Leone's high death rates. Furthermore, problems affecting public health were examined, including the state of the healthcare system, national health priorities, traditional medicine, and human resources in the healthcare industry. According to UNICEF, the mortality rate among 5 year...

Words: 2065

Pages: 8

The problem of increasing infection

The issue of rising infection is a global one that impacts both industrialized and developing countries. In the United States, for example, about one million healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) annually. The American healthcare system records more than 900,000 deaths per year. Yet, infection prevention methods implemented both in clinical settings and...

Words: 1774

Pages: 7

Stroke Patient

This essay looks at a patient who has had a stroke. It will entail a critical examination of the evidence supporting the patient's care. Furthermore, it will examine how the patient's health breakdown impacts them from a social, spiritual, psychological, and biological standpoint. It will then examine the major broader...

Words: 4279

Pages: 16

ABCDE Case Study Analysis

This is a medical case study of a 53-year-old farmer called Jim who was diagnosed with Anaphylaxis. Jim developed the disease after receiving two doses of Flucloxacillin, which were intended to suppress the bacteria that caused Cellulitis. Cellulitis is a bacterial illness that manifests itself as a swollen area that...

Words: 2439

Pages: 9

Victims of trauma cope differently

Trauma victims and their reactions Trauma victims react differently to their circumstances. The manner in which an individual deals is determined by the future occurrences in their lives. The best case scenario for a person willing to deal with the circumstance is one who wishes to try to acquire the proper...

Words: 1232

Pages: 5

Wellness education programs

Wellness education programs are structured programs that assist individuals in making voluntary decisions about how they might improve their health and productivity. The majority of these shows are concerned with major issues that affect diverse parts of the community. This study proposes a plan for wellness education with the goal...

Words: 1297

Pages: 5

The Importance of Hand Hygiene in Instilling Eye Drops

When giving ophthalmic drops, hand cleanliness should be emphasized. It is one of the most important strategies of preventing nosocomial infections in the eye care practice setting, so it should be the initial step in the instillation of eye drops. The hypothesis is supported by the nature of the eyes,...

Words: 649

Pages: 3

sore throat differential diagnosis

While a sore throat is one of the most prevalent illnesses seen in outpatient clinical practice settings, its origin can be attributable to a variety of viral and non-infectious causes, necessitating a differential diagnosis. Taking a history can be used to confirm the condition, but the emphasis should be on...

Words: 397

Pages: 2

high incidence of endometriosis

While endometriosis is common in women of reproductive age, the occurrence of ovarian malignancies caused by endometriosis is also common. For decades, there has been evidence of a link between endometriosis and ovarian cancer. Endometriosis exhibits some traits related with cancer, according to Buis et al. (2013). These characteristics include...

Words: 355

Pages: 2

Blame for the Deaths of Asylum Seekers in the Mediterranean

The deaths of asylum seekers have been the focal point of the Mediterranean crisis. Most asylum seekers do not take care when fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea since they use illicit routes to reach countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and other European countries (Independent, 2016). Mass deaths have recently been...

Words: 3012

Pages: 11

A Policy Option Paper for Police Pursuit Deaths: An Inquest into the Death of Sarah Louise Booth

Since the dawn of time, police pursuit fatalities have generated debate. They have been identified as one of the primary causes of fatalities for innocent bystanders, evading drivers, and car occupants on metropolitan streets and in towns with high vehicular and pedestrian traffic (Hill 2002, p. 27). Hoffman and Mazerolle...

Words: 2506

Pages: 10


Obesity prevention in children Obesity prevention in children is an issue that has piqued my interest since I was a child. In Canada, childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Obesity in children is one of the leading causes of health problems. Overweight children are more likely to remain obese as adults,...

Words: 1358

Pages: 5

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