Essays on Human Body

The Tay-Sachs Disease

The Term "Tay-Sachs Disease" The term "Tay-Sachs disease" refers to a hereditary condition caused by the death of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. In specifically, a gene mutation in the HEXA genes, which are located on chromosome 15, causes Tay-Sach illness (Hussein, Weng, Kai, Kleijnen & Qureshi, 2015).Autosomal...

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Hemophilia: A Hereditary Illness Hemophilia is a hereditary illness that impairs a person's ability to create clots quickly enough to stop any kind of bleeding. Therefore, having the condition raises the likelihood of suffering a serious injury from open wounds, bruising, or even internal bleeding (Hemophilia of Georgia, 2012).Inheritance and Gender...

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assessment conducted by Trinity Community Hospital

According to Trinity Community Hospital's evaluation, the market for the services the hospital offers is expected to grow over the course of the following five years. The hospital must devise a number of solutions to address the escalating demand for its oncology, cardiovascular, and orthopedic service lines. Orthopedic services are...

Words: 826

Pages: 4

the exceptional sweetness of sugar

Our first encounter with sugar's extraordinary flavor began with a dollop of buttercream and a spoonful of strawberry ice cream rather than the normal pureed carrots, a gustatory revelation that falls through the gap of early childhood. However, as Jabr (20130) says, the experience of initial sweetness is often well...

Words: 2008

Pages: 8

the disability services

A disability and the rights of disabled people A disability is described as an injury to an individual's emotional, developmental, intellectual, cognitive, sensory, or a combination of the aforementioned aspects. While disability can affect a person in unique ways, restricting his ability to perform specific tasks with ease and precision, disabled...

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history of tattoos, body piercings and art

Humans show themselves in a variety of ways. - individual is special and may identify themselves in a number of ways. In certain parts of the world, people use their skin as a kind of novel, with photographs and decorations added to alter their appearance. Personal enjoyment, physical appearance, bravery,...

Words: 1455

Pages: 6

renal failure pathogenesis

Chronic Kidney Failure and Medications Chronic kidney failure affects renal drug elimination with those medications that are eliminated by the kidney as a result of the illness process's kidney insufficiency. Mary will continue to take metformin at a lower dose dependent on her creatinine clearance and metformin is excreted by the...

Words: 567

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Patient Safety Paper

Brianna Cohen's Case Study Brianna Cohen, a young girl who was recovering from a bone marrow transplant but died due to an improperly mixed intravenous solution that caused her heart to stop, is the subject of the case study. The girl was given a potassium solution that was five times the...

Words: 1207

Pages: 5

Fermentation Paper

Fermentation is a metabolic process that transforms sugar into alcohol, gases, and acids, among other things. To manufacture fermentation products, fermentation bacteria use organic molecules as the final electron acceptor (Katz 2016). The bacteria are primarily responsible for the metabolic process that initiates the fermentation process (Pothakos, Illeghems, Laureys, Spitaels,...

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A tattoo is a form of body modification in which a pattern is produced by injecting dyes, pigments, and ink, either temporary or permanent, into the skin's dermis coating to alter the color. Permanent tattoos are produced by injecting pigment into the skin's epidermal-dermal junction with a needle (DeMello, 2014)....

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Pages: 5

Body Modification Techniques

Body Modification and Its Various MethodsBody modification is the alteration of the human body or physical appearance for a variety of reasons. It ranges from tattooing to socially acceptable decoration. It also includes religious rites of passage and modern primitive movements. While the methods of body modification vary greatly, some...

Words: 737

Pages: 3

Prevalence and Importance of Sugar

Lizzie Parry's text The Truth About Sugar seeks to expose sugar's prevalence as well as how harmful or beneficial it is to one's wellbeing. Sugar is something that almost everyone craves. It is quickly becoming a public health problem. The added sugars contained in honey and refined foods are what...

Words: 1228

Pages: 5

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