Essays on Greece

The Greek Shipbuilding Industry

Greece's Political System Greece's political system is currently in a stable state. Additionally, the country has been experiencing worsening ties with former allies like Turkey and Cyprus. However, the situation has improved through their new found friends like China and America. There's also enhanced relationship between the UK and individual EU....

Words: 1068

Pages: 4

Ideas on What Is Absolute from Socrates, Plato, and St. Augustine

Beliefs about the Absolute Human life is based on beliefs about what is absolute. The debate of what was to be regarded absolute has existed since the early world civilizations, particularly in ancient Greece. Philosophy was a body of knowledge that sought the truth about all potential human thinking. Great philosophers...

Words: 1617

Pages: 6

The ancient times

Classical Art in Ancient Greece Classical art characterized ancient Greece, as evidenced by the masterpieces created by Jerome Pollitt in his work, Art and Experience in Classical Greece. The book is divided into five sections (chapters), which comprise Antecedents and First Principles; Consciousness and Conscience, in which the author discusses the...

Words: 1189

Pages: 5

The Philosophical Revolution in Ancient Greece

The Philosophical Revolution in Ancient Greece was divided into two parts: Pre-Socratic philosophy and Classical Greek philosophy. During these two centuries, Greek philosophy underwent a significant change. Philosophers such as Xenophanes and Parmenides, among others, lived during the pre-Socratic era. Their mission was to unlock the mysteries of the natural...

Words: 1140

Pages: 5

Greek philosopher Aristotle

Aristotle was born in the city of Stagira in the province of Chalcidice in northern Greece, and his father died when he was a teenager. Proxenus of Artaneous became his guardian after his father died. Aristotle enrolled in Plato's Academy in Athens when he was eighteen years old and remained...

Words: 1170

Pages: 5

Study of Plato's ideas about marriage, morality, and happiness

In one of his famous Symposiums, Plato, one of the greatest philosophers of ancient Greece, explains his concept of true love, and it is the most subtle and beautiful statement there is. In a subtle way, his love theory separated the elements of sexual love from friendship. He said that...

Words: 1293

Pages: 5

Comparing and Contrasting Art

Comparing Two Works of Art: Temple of Hera I and Temple of Poseidon Without keen observation, it is difficult to compare several works of art. According to Minkov (1), people explain what they see and talk about the influences of these works. People with low perception abilities are unable to make...

Words: 655

Pages: 3

Mythology of Greece

Greek mythology is the approaches and the body of all stories, legends and myths that were brought into existence fromo ancient Greece. The teachings of the myth concern their gods, heroes, nature of the earth, their origins and the significance of their ritual practices as well as their cult. The...

Words: 890

Pages: 4

Rococo, Romanticism and Neoclassicism

What characteristics distinguish the Rocco, Neoclassicism, and Romanticism from each other? How were the styles reactionary? Use examples to illustrate and clarify. Introduction Rococo is an artistic style and movement that impacts so many points of arts including literature, theatre, painting, sculpture, interior design, music, architecture and decoration. It was designed in...

Words: 477

Pages: 2

Wars for Treasure

Should Ancient Artifacts Be Returned to Their Countries of Origin? For many years, there has been a continuous removal of artistic treasures from their locations of origin to new locations both through conquest or acts of invasion. Thus, the process of acquiring the cultural artifacts could be either felony or illegal....

Words: 997

Pages: 4

Role and Lives of Women in Ancient Athens.

Ancient Greece has many enticing features that we can still remember today. It is the culture of elaborate mythology, involving gods, heroes, and various myths and legends, that enriches a large portion of literature and art. Antiquity's Greeks believed in the presence of multiple gods. They seemed to have a...

Words: 2071

Pages: 8

Trip to Athens-Delphi-Nafplion

This article of reflection is on my latest trip to one of the most beautiful sites in the world, Athens, and Delphi. The tour consisted of four days, from Thursday the 1st of June to Sunday the 4th of June, and it was like the sky, like all the good...

Words: 1982

Pages: 8

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