Current arguments on the morality of drone strikes Current arguments on the morality of drone strikes follow the extensive military deployment of drones in the battle against terrorism by both the US and British governments. Unlike previous military weapons that generated ethical quandaries due to their destructive nature, the deployment of...
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Pages: 5
Throughout the twenty-first century, a revolution has swept through modern battle, with increasingly sophisticated weapons introduced to the military. With the intricacy of modern warfare, the military needed to adapt their tactics to the ever-changing battlefield. Enemies no longer hide in known locations, nor are their activities traceable, and when terrorists...
Words: 2004
Pages: 8
Law Enforcement Agencies and Drone Surveillance: An Ethical Dilemma Law enforcement agencies frequently use unmanned aircraft in surveillance missions. Police personnel can trace offenders using this method. Drone use in law enforcement has long been a source of contention. There has been much discussion about whether or not police officers should...
Words: 2677
Pages: 10
Introduction Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (AUVs), also known as drones, are one of the newest trends in the aerial technology industry, with roots in a variety of other industries.The Importance of Drones The drone has attracted the attention of many investors due to its unique feature of being controlled without the use of...
Words: 960
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