Drones in Delivery


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (AUVs), also known as drones, are one of the newest trends in the aerial technology industry, with roots in a variety of other industries.

The Importance of Drones

The drone has attracted the attention of many investors due to its unique feature of being controlled without the use of a pilot, and most industries are considering its use in their operations. The drone system has advanced and incorporated more flight solutions since its inception, making it not only enjoyable but also useful. The importance of the drone system in film production, military systems, mapping, security systems, and other critical applications in the economy has been studied by a number of researchers. However, despite its importance, some challenges make the drone system a dangerous technology to be used. Therefore, the main of the argument in this paper will be focused on the pros and cons of the drone system in the delivery of packages.

Benefits of Drone Delivery

Despite the fact that many debates have been discussed regarding the importance of the drone system in the businesses, no clear conclusion has been made. An article by Mathew Shaer provided an overview of the use of the drone in the modern business world. The article 'Amazon drone delivery service could be active by 2017' has provided the main thrust of this essay's argument that the drone system is useful and could be used by businesses in providing a delivery system. Focusing on a global business company called Amazon, Shaer indicated that the drone system would be resourceful in reaching a huge number of customers that are within a radius of ten miles from the warehouse (Shaer, 2013). Furthermore, the drone is very greens and preserves the environment as compared to the delivery trucks that drive around town emitting harmful smokes. This is an important factor since it maintains the environment and minimizes air and land pollution.

Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency

Besides, the use of the drone system is cost effective, and its low cost of transportation would allow customers to save part of their money for other purposes. In areas where vehicles cannot access or may take a while to reach due to the geographical barriers, the drone would be efficient and will provide the goods to the customer (Shaer, 2013). Furthermore, its relative speed and ability to move in all directions minimizes the duration of delivery and provides satisfaction to the customer (Shaer, 2013). This is effective since most customers have complained over delays in the delivery of their purchases. Therefore, Shaer advocates for its usage and indicates that the drone system will provide a win-win situation where the businesses will incur a high markup profit from the reduced cost of delivery, while the customers will enjoy a faster and cheaper delivery system.

Critical Limitations

However, the argument by Shaer is limited to some extent since he does not support his claims. For instance, his argument that the drone system is environment-friendly and does not pollute the air is a weak claim since he does not explain what form of energy the drone uses to move. Furthermore, his argument that the drone system will be convenient in providing goods to the customers may be limited in that, in the situation where the drone fails to operate while it is on air, what will happen. In addition, if the drone collapses and falls on people or houses, will it not cause damages and losses? These are among the points that the article fails to address.

The Counterargument

A similar article by Olivia Lowenberg provides a critique of the drone system in the business industry. In her article, 'Amazon reveals mode details about Prime Air drone delivery service,' Olivia argues how the Amazon president focuses on its service, rather than its cost of purchase (Lowenberg, 2016). Indeed, this is a reasonable claim since the cost of purchasing and servicing the drone, which is not mentioned in many articles, may be a high cost that may be channeled to the final consumer. Her argument tends to criticize Shear's argument regarding its cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, Lowenberg criticizes the distance of movement of the drone, which is about a radius of ten miles and indicates that the distance may not benefit the customers who live far from the warehouse (Lowenberg, 2016).

Challenges and Concerns

Also, since the drone weighs about fifty-five pounds, it is expected that the packages delivered will not weigh more than five pounds (Lowenberg, 2016). This argument becomes poses to be a challenge since most goods that weigh more than five pounds will not be delivered. Furthermore, Olivia illustrates the challenges that the drone may experience such as weather challenges and moving against obstacles. In her analysis, she argues that the drone system will not be effective since it may fail to survive in hot, rainy, sunny, and snowy conditions (Lowenberg, 2016). Furthermore, due to many building and objects around the city, the drone may face the challenge of moving smoothly thus risking to cause accidents.


In conclusion, the drone technology is among the trending technologies that have not yet been incorporated in businesses. However, despite its successful use in the film industry, other areas such as in the delivery system have brought up many controversy arguments. An argument by Shaer indicates that the drone system will be effective in minimizing cost, enhance the speed of delivery, and access other inaccessible locations. However, a counterargument by Olivia indicates that the cost of purchase and servicing may be high, the size of packages delivered may be limited, and it may result in accidents.


Lowenberg, O. (2016). Amazon reveals more details about Prime Air drone delivery service. Technology & Media, 95(6), 25-28. doi: 112348018

Shaer, M. (2013). Amazon drone delivery service could be active by 2017. The Christian Science Monitor.

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