Essays on Corporations


Apple's Strong Moral Duty to User Privacy Apple has demonstrated a stronger moral duty to its users. The organization has worked hard to ensure that its clients' privacy is highly secured. This became clear in December 2015, when the FBI obtained an iPhone belonging to one of the terrorists who killed...

Words: 685

Pages: 3

Contingency Theory in the Case of Parker and Southwest Airlines

Contingency Theory As the CEO of Southwest Airlines, James Parker relies heavily on the contingency theory to make quick judgments that have helped the firm prosper in challenging times. This notion highlights that a leader's decision-making process is not always consistent. Some decisions, however, are made based on the underlying internal...

Words: 890

Pages: 4

the Security of Data

In the case that I was in charge of a company's human resources department, I would make use of all available communication methods to inform employees of a data security policy that required the use of software to verify their emails. To ensure that the policy is clearly defined, these...

Words: 886

Pages: 4

Rayovac’s Strategy and Position in the Global Battery Market

Rayovac Corporation's strategy calls for the corporation to expand globally through acquisitions. The company specializes on high-quality products, with quality secured by purchasing companies with market leadership in many parts of the world. Varta, for example, was the market leader in general battery manufacturing in Europe prior to the acquisition,...

Words: 813

Pages: 3

Selling an excellent product

The Importance of Online Business in Selling Products Offering an amazing product does not always imply that you have sophisticated products or the best and highest quality products on the market to sell. It frequently boils down to the merchant s capacity to supply the products to the clients at reasonable...

Words: 690

Pages: 3

Walmart’s Consumer Redlining

One of the best-performing businesses to use cutting-edge managerial approaches and apply change management in a distinctive way is Walmart. However, despite its efforts to raise performance levels generally, the business found it difficult to foster a welcoming atmosphere on the inside. The business has battled a number of difficulties...

Words: 3598

Pages: 14

Companies should label foods to inform consumers about GMO

One of the hotly debated topics in the documentary Food Inc. (2008) is food company disclosure. According to the pundit, if firms completely disclosed statistics on the food consumed by American homes. He claims that if people realized the truth about what they were eating, they would cease eating some...

Words: 356

Pages: 2

IKEA Company Logistic and Supply Chain Management

One of the leading global retailers of home furnishings: IKEA Corporation One of the leading global retailers of home furnishings is the IKEA Corporation. It was established in Sweden in 1943, and it has expanded throughout the years by offering products of the highest caliber. With 298 outlets opened across all...

Words: 3327

Pages: 13

Amazon Go: Amazons computer vision technology

One of the most dynamic parts of the retail industry is technology. This factor evolves with the passage of time and market demands. This study tries to explain this phenomena by demonstrating how Amazon Go has transformed the supermarket buying experience. It also provides an overview of how this system...

Words: 2004

Pages: 8

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the twenty-first century has resulted in the realization of self-driving cars, SIRI, Google Assistant, Bixby, Alexa, and a plethora of other technologies that have made life more comfortable for humans and significantly aided in the resolution of daily real-life problems. There are...

Words: 1319

Pages: 5

Healthcare in Vietnam

The assignment investigates several published articles from multiple sources, such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other scholarly journals/articles found in the California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) Library database. The sources are used to assess Vietnam's healthcare challenges. Vietnam's healthcare system, like that of other...

Words: 2571

Pages: 10

business policy Strategic management

The Boston Beer Company The Boston Beer Company crafts high-quality beer. In its early years, it controlled the beer market. However, the company s performance has decreased as a result of industry competition and difficulties. Based on the factual data offered, the study assesses the strategic position of the Boston Beer...

Words: 1687

Pages: 7

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