The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the twenty-first century has resulted in the realization of self-driving cars, SIRI, Google Assistant, Bixby, Alexa, and a plethora of other technologies that have made life more comfortable for humans and significantly aided in the resolution of daily real-life problems. There are various AI applications available on the market today that are aimed to assist humans in a variety of critical infrastructure areas around the world. AI technology makes use of gadgets and software that can perform some of the jobs that humans can accomplish and produce parallel outcomes and output communication to consumers (Quinn & Bederson, 2011). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the process whereby computers and machines are created to imitate the human cognitive behavior that is a commonality associated with the functions of the human brain. The use of AI has been beneficial in most areas of problem solving in the world and assisted in making life easier for the human beings.

The human world is full of endless possibilities for the use of AI technology since most of the problems that are present to the humans are tasks that are of different difficulty levels. The demand for AI incorporated technology has been rising progressively due to the endless possibilities being realized in the world today. Devices used in communication such as smartphones, laptops, virtual reality (VR) machines have adopted the use of AI in their function to make it easier for application and created improved visual aesthetics for most of the devices. The problems of difficulties in utilizing most of this equipment have been considerably reduced making the tools easy to use across all age groups and the non-tech savvy. Using smartphones has been made easy by incorporating AI, which can recognize the user in functions such as making voice commands, prompts to create schedules, providing researched suggestions, recommending traffic routes and so much more. Equally, AI in communication gadgets has made distant communication much more efficient by using visual and voice technologies that not only provide the sense of presence but also enable real-time exchanges to take place.

Other uses in the communication of the AI technology have been realized in language translation that has made understanding of foreign language easy and aided in connection with several parts of the world. Travellers can use language translation devices to read a foreign language and help them in navigating foreign countries despite the lack of recognition of their language. Apart from communicating, AI has been beneficial in providing personal assistance for most of its users through the virtual personal assistant programs. As earlier mentioned, Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and other intelligent digital assistants are being used to help in the finding of useful information for the user of the programs. The use of AI has made it possible for these applications to collect information and match the data with the user’s preferences to provide information tailored for the specific user. According to Talbot, Sagae, John, and Rizzo (2012), the use of virtual assistant AI technologies, search several databases and sources and process the information by organizing and keeping track of the user’s data to provide user-specific information.

The transport industry has been assisted by the realization of AI and improvements in some of the processes using AI technologies. There have been advancements in transport routes information orchestrated by the use of AI, which helps in calculating the best routes for drivers including the distance to be covered. Additionally, the use of AI equipment in the transport sector provide real-time data on traffic routes, accidents on the driver's directions, congestion areas on the highways and other beneficial information for drivers using the roads. The automotive industry has been improved by the realization of self-driving vehicles AI technology that has made it possible to have unmanned cars in the streets and flying drones that are increasingly becoming common in the world.

Self-driving cars are the future of driving since they provide the answer to road safety because they will reduce the number of accidents that take place on the roads due to human error (Narla, 2013). Today’s vehicles are incorporated with various artificial intelligence systems that enable them to brake by themselves, be able to change lanes, offer self-parking or assisted parking as well as collision warning systems to improve driving safety. Drones, on the other hand, have been tested and are being used by the army to reduce the pilot casualties while going to war. Drones are also used in film creation since they are easy to control and capture video and pictures from several heights previously unachievable. The use of drones has also helped improve the security since they are quickly deployed to areas of concern and provide real-time feedback and assessment of trouble areas. AI systems have created an interactive platform for security officials to share data across various platforms that have aided in the management of insecurity and helped to monitor security equipment and personnel.

Another sector that thrives due to the utilization of AI in the society is the education industry. The use of educational AI systems such as search engines that recognize human voice input, animated display systems, online assistants, informative robots and some other Artificial Intelligent systems is becoming common in the classroom (Lodge & Horvath, 2016). Students can communicate and interact with the systems that are designed to make learning easier and expose the learner to a large pool of educational material. Additionally, the use of AI systems provides the learner with interactions with other students all over the world while using some of the AI technology. Not only are students beneficiaries in the use of artificial intelligence, but also their tutors have also benefitted from AI use since they can have access to the unlimited resources to use in teaching in class. AI is also being used in sports to assist in the monitoring of player performances and provide statistics on areas of improvement that can be realized. As a result, athletes can keep track of their accomplishments and improve their numbers.

In conclusion, using artificial intelligence has helped the world in solving some of the real-life problems that have been making life difficult for the human being. AI has offered the world numerous possibilities to explore regarding the betterment of the lives of humans, with advances in production, manufacture, surgery, automobiles among other AI feasible advancements. The use of Artificial intelligence in today's world has been a significant revelation in the use of technology making life more comfortable, but it has also been a source of criticism on its safety due to its extensive use in the society. Furthermore, Artificial intelligence has also aided in detrimental effects on the community such as terrorism, stalking, hacking and embezzlement of finances when utilized unethically. Despite the challenges the technology has faced, the pros involved with the use of Artificial intelligence have been plentiful, and there is need to integrate human values with its utilization. It would be interesting to see the advancements of AI in the future, such as self-driven planes and robots being used in several operations, to build on the improvement of safety and make life easy for the human being.


Lodge, J. M., & Horvath, J. C. (2016). Science of learning and digital learning environments. From the Laboratory to the Classroom: Translating Science of Learning for Teachers, 122.

Narla, S. R. (2013). The evolution of connected vehicle technology: From smart drivers to smart cars to... self-driving cars. Institute of Transportation Engineers. ITE Journal, 83(7), 22.

Quinn, A. J., & Bederson, B. B. (2011, May). Human computation: a survey and taxonomy of a growing field. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems (pp. 1403-1412). ACM.

Talbot, T. B., Sagae, K., John, B., & Rizzo, A. A. (2012). Sorting out the virtual patient: how to exploit artificial intelligence, game technology and sound educational practices to create engaging role-playing simulations. International Journal of Gaming and Computer- Mediated Simulations (IJGCMS), 4(3), 1-19.

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