Synthesis Essays

This type of academic writing represents a synthesis or a clever mixture of various views on a provided topic. See our essay examples to see how the authors incorporate discovered sources to determine different opinions and connect them with a strong thesis. As a rule, you do not have to defend any opinion because the aim here is to discuss and outline a synthesis of someone else’s research work. Even though every paper sample that you will encounter will remind you of a summary, do not forget to include a personal opinion in your essay example. Every source that you use in a synthesis essay paper must have a clear connection to your thesis statement, either supporting your opinion or taking the opposite side.

Our Monster, Ourselves

Any specific error or fault that a person commits always has a cause. This is a clear indication that someone else is always to blame, regardless of what is sensible, logical, or significant. Some people will make up a fictitious moniker for one of their own alter egos in an...

Words: 1212

Pages: 5

Shannon Albright Profile

Shannon Albright s Background and Experience She graduated from a US-accredited university with a degree in bookkeeping. Shannon Albright received her CPA certification. The worker was given a job in bookkeeping at a business in Atlanta, Georgia. Five years of valuable experience were aided by the business. Shannon is a capable...

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‘Columbus and the making of historical myth’

Barbara Ransby penned the first piece, "Columbus and the Making of Historical Myth," in 1992. The major argument of the essay paints Christopher Columbus as a bad guy who shouldn't be honored for the social injustices he brought to the American Indians. The article claims that history textbooks omit the...

Words: 637

Pages: 3

The Use of Technology in Language Learning

The Adoption of Technologies in Language Teaching The adoption of technologies for the goal of teaching languages has advanced significantly. The use of computers in schools and the adoption of personal tablet technologies in classrooms are two examples of how software and hardware advancements have produced useful tools that improve the...

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The Smartest Kids in the World

The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way explores how education differs in four different nations. The author of the book, Amanda Ripley, compares the educational initiatives made by kids in Finland, South Korea, Poland,...

Words: 599

Pages: 3

The lottery by Shirley Jackson

This is an objective essay with the primary goal of accurately and truthfully contrasting two well-known fictional works: The Destructors by Graham Greene and The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. The short stories, which are the original works of two different writers, clearly show the differences and similarities that will be...

Words: 1106

Pages: 5

Why certain institutions have stopped giving out academic and athletic prizes

The article Why some schools have ditched academic and athletic awards by Caroline Alphonso discusses the reservations some school staff members have about the incentive programs used to inspire primary school students. The elimination of the academic and athletic awards is supported by some of the directors, including...

Words: 832

Pages: 4

Calumet K

Every reader is completely captivated throughout Calumet K because it is an engrossing and excellent thriller. The reading is based on the perseverance and commitment of one individual to the building of a grain elevator. Despite the obstacles, he is able to prevail, demonstrating the significance of human behavior and...

Words: 1131

Pages: 5

Internet Addiction Issue

The Impact of Internet Addiction on Society The overuse of the internet that causes societal, educational, occupational, or psychological problems for society is known as internet obsession. Due to the research and educational resources available on the internet, students are the group that uses it most frequently and are therefore more...

Words: 1897

Pages: 7

The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) by Oscar Wilde

The Captivating Works of Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890), A House of Pomegranates (1891), Ravenna (1878), The Sphinx (1894), and The Ideal Husband (1883) are just a few of the captivating works by the prodigious English author Oscar Wilde. He also wrote plays like The Duchess of Padua...

Words: 1150

Pages: 5

Illegalization of Prostitution

Worldviews about the Global Community Worldviews about the global community have undergone substantial change in the current century. Various organizations have made an effort to advocate for the rights of people who engage in behaviors that society has long viewed as forbidden. These practices could include human reproduction, same-sex unions, abortion,...

Words: 1733

Pages: 7

Eva: Love, Marriage, and Family Affairs of a Young Couple by Gabriela Preissova

The Prose Work "Eva" by Gabriela The prose work Eva by Gabriela deals with issues of young people's love lives, marriage, families, and religious principles. The unique social issues that are prevalent in his setting are revealed by Gabriela through the use of characters like Eva, Manek, Merissa, and Samko. As...

Words: 1961

Pages: 8

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