Reflective Essays

A reflective writing paper may seem challenging when you do not know how to get your homework finished. The point here is to explore your life experiences by telling of what preceded before something has happened and ending up with an important thesis. As you can see from our essay examples, the topics may vary, depending on who your audience is. You should provide sufficient information to let your readers see why something matters to you. As for how to structure it, check our paper samples first before you proceed. Use metaphors, emotional writing, and real-life examples. Take a paper sample from our database and break it down into several parts to see how an author starts and proceeds with a single idea by offering reflection that explains an experience.

The Virtue Ethics Theory: A Critique

Ethics and VirtueEthics are morally upright behaviors or characteristics. However, due to differences in ideals and cultural views, the definition of ethics has been disputed. Virtue is a positive personality trait that attracts people. The definition is profoundly embedded in a person s core beliefs, values, perceptions, and interests. Because...

Words: 1208

Pages: 5

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

William Golding: A British Novelist, Playwright, and PoetWilliam Golding was a British novelist, playwright, and poet who was best known for his novel Lord of the Flies. In his lifetime, he published twelve volumes of fiction. Lord of the Flies was his debut novel, but he is also known for...

Words: 722

Pages: 3

Why we fight - series of propaganda films

Why we fight is a series of propaganda films produced during World War II by the US Department of War. These films were designed to instill a sense of national pride in Americans. In the process, they aimed to motivate people to fight and support the war effort. The films...

Words: 628

Pages: 3

Language Awareness

The two readings, Language Awareness by Paul Eschholz and On Being 17, Bright and Unable to Read by Raymond David, both have a strong theme of courage. Learners benefit from language diversity because it allows them to build self-confidence and believe in themselves. Courage makes tough times easier because it...

Words: 1158

Pages: 5

Medical Mistakes

Physicians and Medical Mistakes Physicians and other healthcare providers' medical mistakes have long-term consequences for patients, their families, and even doctors. A key aspect of healthcare delivery is figuring out how to inform patients and their families about medical errors. However, hospitals and doctors may be unable to report any of...

Words: 678

Pages: 3

Digital Age Medicine and Connected Health

NantHealth - Transforming Healthcare with Technology NantHealth is headquartered in Culver City, California, and is a subsidiary of NantWorks. The organization is engaged in several activities, including creating and promoting a variety of holistic and systematic healthcare solutions. The business is particularly interested in healthcare technology. The company s goal is...

Words: 598

Pages: 3

Food Claim

A food claim is a description that attempts to establish a connection between food substances and a lower risk of developing a health condition or disease (Buttriss, 2015). It s worth noting that any statement mentioning one of these elements does not necessarily imply a health argument. There are a...

Words: 617

Pages: 3

Patient Outcomes and the Nurse-Patient Ratio

In medicine, the primary issue is how to maximize patient outcomes by delivering effective medical services (Aiken, 2014). This is highly dependent on the level of treatment patients receive in medical facilities, which is determined by a variety of factors ranging from the recipient's perspective to the provider's perspective. The...

Words: 880

Pages: 4


Numerous studies have linked sleep deprivation to various negative physical, behavioral, and social outcomes (Gaspar, 2015). Lack of sleep has been linked to poor academic performance, diabetes, anxiety, risky behavior, and delinquency among adolescents, among other things. Most of the effect of not having enough sleep is believed to be...

Words: 1849

Pages: 7

History of Chick fil A

Known for serving chicken sandwiches, Chick-fil-A is a chain of fast food restaurants. Truett Cathy started the third-largest food chain business in the United States (U.S.) in the 1940s. It presently has more than 2000 locations around the globe, with the majority of them located in more than 35 states...

Words: 1614

Pages: 6

Training starbucks employees

The most valuable assets in a firm in the 20th century were its machines, and more sophisticated machines indicated higher competitive power. However, in the twenty-first century, a company's competitiveness is largely determined by its human resources and how well they are trained to perform their duties. The American coffee...

Words: 1223

Pages: 5


One of the global industries with the quickest growth rates is tourism. Tourists travel the world in quest of leisure, and events serve as the ideal catalysts for tourism since they offer participants both the chance and amusement. Over 7.2 billion tourists, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization,...

Words: 2448

Pages: 9

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