In the colonial discourse of tribal cannibalism and savagery as portrayed in Juan Jose Saer s work The Witness, Said s model of Orientalism has a significant influence. In various discourses (religious, anthropological, scientific, historical, etc.) about prehistoric societies, the post-Enlightenment European narrative of cannibalism and savagery is exhibited. The...
Words: 1169
Pages: 5
Mary Thompson's Dilemma Mary Thompson saw Tom being cut down with a machete. She lied to the authorities when they questioned her about the incident and the unfortunate occurrence. She insisted that she remained silent.An Anthropologist's Moral Responsibility An anthropologist named Thompson was present to study a South-East Asian civilization. She asserted...
Words: 610
Pages: 3
Attorneys and the Jury Selection Process Attorneys are required to pick a jury that comes from members of the community that have presented themselves for jury duty before the start of a jury trial. The selection of juries has become one of the most significant services that law firms offer to...
Words: 626
Pages: 3