Essays on President

Letter to President Donald Trump of the United States of America

Impact of Policy Biases on Millions of People As the world's senior-most politician, the new president of a superpower, and the rightful leader of the free world, your policies as a president and a republican politician reverberate around the world. If it is a decision to slash funding to Africa based...

Words: 1236

Pages: 5

David McCullough's john adams

David McCullough's memoirs of America's Second President, John Adams, were published in 2001. The novel received the Pulitzer Prize for Autobiography in 2002, and HBO Films adapted it into a television miniseries. Autobiographies have been related to a variety of fundamental concerns, including the fact that they are often biased;...

Words: 1989

Pages: 8

A Trip to the Moon

George Méliès and the Pursuit of a Bigger Picture George Méliès believed in a bigger picture, so he pursued the ability to enlarge motion pictures from a magical perspective, just as a president would try to convince his constituents to go to the moon. Despite the excitement of traveling to the...

Words: 330

Pages: 2

Jose Mujica

Jose Mujica: The Poorest President in the World As a management program student, I have recently come to be aware that Jose Mujica, the Uruguayan president, has caught my interest due to the fact that he is the poorest President in the world. A Symbol of True Leadership The article continues me thinking...

Words: 321

Pages: 2

Ethical Leadership Crisis

In each leadership position, ethics and morals are paramount. The current South Korean president, Park Geun-Hye, is dealing with an ethical dilemma primarily based on her involvement with an aide who did not hold any governmental position, however went ahead and sought financial donation from commercial enterprise conglomerates. On December 9th,...

Words: 1648

Pages: 6

President Bill Clinton of the USA

Without remembering William Jefferson Clinton, also named William Jefferson Bly III, we can't talk about US presidents. In 1992, he became the 42nd US head of state and served until 2001. Born and raised in Arkansas, he attended prestigious colleges, including Oxford University, Georgetown University, and Yale Law School, among...

Words: 1839

Pages: 7

farewell address by Washington

In 1796, George Washington s Farewell Address George Washington discovered that he was about to resign as president of the United States, and then made a farewell speech that acted as a message and a piece of advice to the Americans. George s speech showed his concern for the protection, security,...

Words: 667

Pages: 3

Attention Gaining Device

About nine million community college students and more than 300,000 students in minority colleges have been exempted by the "America's College Promise Act 2015" (National Conference of State Legislatures). The goal of this law was to offer low-cost or non-cost schooling for community colleges and to help students gain access...

Words: 791

Pages: 3

Franklin Roosevelt's President

Franklin Roosevelt and the Expansion of Presidential Powers Between 1933 and 1945, Franklin Delano Roosevelt served the longest term as president in U.S. history. He introduced a number of political and economic reforms during his time as president, which commentators consider to be the most dramatic changes in U.S. history. The...

Words: 932

Pages: 4

Communicating in a crisis

Hurricane Harvey caused devastation in Puerto Rico in August 2017. (Tarlow, 2017). The exclamation from the president was "Wow!" "When he saw expert comments claiming that the tragedy was "1 out of 500 floods." "In addition, when speaking through the crisis, the president said that he would "drain the swamp"....

Words: 897

Pages: 4

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