the national security

In many cases, the federal courts in the United States assist the government in enforcing national security. For example, they may engage in making a decision that greatly contributes to striking a balance between national security interests and those of protecting citizens constitutional rights. Only a few months earlier,...

Words: 350

Pages: 2

state autonomy and state capacity

State Liberty and State Capability in China State liberty, also known as state hegemony, refers to the right to rule oneself without intervention by other entities or countries. State capability refers to a country's ability to exercise substantial control over the results of its economic growth, political consolidation, civil wars, and...

Words: 1100

Pages: 4

the book " the girl with the seven names"

The book offers remarkable insights into life in one of the world's most secretive and brutal dictatorships. It tells the story of one woman's battle to escape capture while still leading her kin to freedom. Given the way it was organized, the book is fine. It is divided into three...

Words: 1118

Pages: 5

Humans’ Space Exploration vs The Value of Humans in Robots

Throughout history, humans have had a strong desire to push physical and intellectual limits. For example, their attempt to fly into space is a reflection of human curiosity about worlds other than Earth. According to research, people from 41 countries have gone to space, and all of them have collaborated...

Words: 3151

Pages: 12

North Korea Nuclear Program and America’s Response

North Korea, colloquially known as the "hermit country," has been forced to play the isolationist card, owing to its centralized economy. North Korea has always focused on armament since its inception bound to an authoritarian system of government; additionally, North Korea has categorically expanded aggressive ties to its southern neighbor,...

Words: 2794

Pages: 11

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