Essays on Movie Summary

Unslut - A Documentary Film

Reasons to Watch the Documentary Film "UnSlut" There are many reasons to watch the documentary film, "UnSlut." It is an examination of sexual sex, and the way that society uses this to shame and humiliate women. The filmmaker, Emily Lindin, examines the effect of societal sexual shame on women and girls....

Words: 316

Pages: 2

Elysium Movie Review

The first installment of this political fable is titled Elysium, and the movie is set in Los Angeles in 2154. The city itself resembles a massive slum, complete with brutal robots keeping the rabble in line. Though the wealthy and powerful live there, they harbor a lot of bad will...

Words: 715

Pages: 3

The main purpose of this film is to discuss about the disabilities in the Film Forrest Gump

The primary goal of this film is to explore the drama movie Forest Gump s disabilities. The year this film was made was 1994. (Groom 34). This movie is based on a novel that was published in 1986. Disabilities and prejudice are two of the major themes explored in this...

Words: 1908

Pages: 7

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