Comparison of iOS and Android Operating Systems

Introduction Apple and Android devices are two separate brands, but they have applications that enable them to perform similar tasks. One of the things that makes these two devices to be different is the operating system or popularly known as the OS. An operating system is an essential software that ensures...

Words: 152

Pages: 1

About Small Business Management

I've always wanted to start my own business, and I mostly envision doing it in the technology sector. If I had the means and the opportunity, I would make a game app for smartphone users. The software would allow users to download a collection of different games all at once....

Words: 948

Pages: 4

“Convenience” of Smartphones

I kept looking at the numerous students passing by as I headed down the stairwell, clutching my phone tightly. As the students continued to approach me and others from behind, one thing captured my attention. I was gripping my phone so closely because I didn t want to lose it...

Words: 1191

Pages: 5

smartphones importance

Smartphones are cell phones that deliver modern technology with comparable functionality to personal computers. Whereas smartphones can provide a streamlined environment for application developers, they act as a full operating system program. These systems provide sophisticated functionality such as instant messaging, e-mail, internet, and not limited to built-in keyboards. With...

Words: 1498

Pages: 6

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