Essays on Mental Health

Physician Assisted Suicide of Brittany Maynard

Brittany Maynard, a recently married 29-year-old woman, committed suicide. Her death, however, cannot be classified as suicide. Brittany had fatal brain cancer (grade four astrocytoma or glioblastoma), which condemned her to death and gave her only six months to live (Duke, 2014). Brittany was going to endure a time of terrible...

Words: 1739

Pages: 7

Downs Syndrome definition

Mindset is the most important aspect in the success of any child, especially one with Down syndrome (Thomas et al. 2011, p. 196). If one believes that a specific child will succeed, they will if they are treated like any other regular youngster. It is because children with Down syndrome...

Words: 2744

Pages: 10

Towards a Psychosocial Psychoanalysis

Psychosocial Disorder and Social Media Psychosocial disorder is a condition in which one's conduct and attitude are influenced by their social life. Given the availability of technology, most people's social life center around social media. A social life is necessary for leading a normal existence. If a person spends the majority...

Words: 646

Pages: 3

Recovery Principles: Social inclusion and mental health

Recovery Principles in mental health involve health practitioners using a specific recovery plan to help and promote focused care and resilience in people with mental health disorders. These recovery concepts include not just the treatment and management of symptoms, but also a holistic recovery perspective that encompasses the patient's entire...

Words: 1543

Pages: 6

The problem of age related hearing loss

The condition of age-related hearing loss, commonly known as (presbycusis), affects people as they get older. This is one of the most serious issues that elderly people encounter in their lives. According to studies, one out of every three persons in the United States has a hearing issue by the...

Words: 1634

Pages: 6

Victims of trauma cope differently

Trauma victims and their reactions Trauma victims react differently to their circumstances. The manner in which an individual deals is determined by the future occurrences in their lives. The best case scenario for a person willing to deal with the circumstance is one who wishes to try to acquire the proper...

Words: 1232

Pages: 5

Jordan and Nigeria Refugee Situation comparison

A refugee is a person who has fled his country because he is afraid of being persecuted because of his nationality, race, faith, or affiliation with a specific social group or political viewpoint. Because of this dread, a refugee is hesitant to present himself/herself to the security of that nation;...

Words: 2658

Pages: 10

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder and its Effects on Sleep in Military Veterans Post-traumatic stress disorder has been related to a number of health difficulties, including psychological and physiological impacts, as well as sleep disorders and disruptions. Sleep problems raise patients' anxiety and diminish their ability to perform. Despite the fact that current...

Words: 3020

Pages: 11

children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The primary goal of this article is to investigate if children with Autism Spectrum Disorder are less inclined to conform than ordinarily developing youngsters. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental or neurological disorder that begins in childhood and lasts throughout a person's life (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Second, this...

Words: 1138

Pages: 5

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which a person's food intake is less than the usual daily consumption. Individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa maintain secrecy during self-starvation in order to maintain weight reduction. They have a slim body and are obsessed with food and personal weight because it is linked...

Words: 377

Pages: 2

Research Critiquing Report

Emma Rich's Research Study: "Anorexic Dis (Connection): Managing Anorexia as an Illness and an Identity" Emma Rich's research piece "Anorexic Dis (Connection): Managing Anorexia as an Illness and an Identity" was published in the Sociology of Health Illness Journal in 2006. Rich conducts research in this piece on the...

Words: 2038

Pages: 8

Depression and ways of coping with stress: A Preliminary Study

The article Depression and strategies of coping with stress The article Depression and strategies of coping with stress by Orzechowska, Zajczkowska, Talarowska, and Gaecki (2013) is a preliminary study that seeks to analyze the relationship that exists between depression and stress and the efforts taken in handling such situations. The method...

Words: 571

Pages: 3

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