Essays on Masculinity

Comparison Between Males and Females

There is the common saying that men are from Mars and women from Venus just to depict how the two genders of the same species are different. The comparison between females and males is not new to us. As a matter of fact, it has been carried out through the...

Words: 884

Pages: 4

Masculinity in “In Our Time” by Hemingway

Masculinity is described as the state or essence of being manly. Historically, manliness was considered to be natural for a man or male (Wedgwood 330). Ernest Hemingway wrote a vast number of novels, one of which is In Our Day, a collection of various stories that focuses on the subject...

Words: 1686

Pages: 7

Focus on Coca Cola’s Pool Boy Advert

Masculinity and Feminist Elements in Advertisement The advertisement features four primary characters. It starts with a sexy, fit middle-aged guy washing up at the swimming pool. A young sexy girl in a nearby building appears to be attracted to the gentleman at the pool. In addition, there is a young man...

Words: 1120

Pages: 5

Gender roles and traditional attitude

Since most sports are physically challenging and combative, sports have been viewed as a preserve for men. This narrative has turned sports into occasions for furthering the construct of male masculinity. Women are discouraged from participating in athletics because they would desecrate and pervert the nature of the ritual (Messner...

Words: 1511

Pages: 6

The ‘Glass Roses' short story by Alden Nowlan

Aprova Kala famously said, "Your vision might not be my one." This quote has a lot of significance in Alden Nowlan's short story "Glass Roses." The story's society has some standards for how masculinity can be portrayed, and they set it as the benchmark for all boys to meet as...

Words: 934

Pages: 4

Hegemonic masculinity and violence

Hegemonic masculinity and aggression have become very common for athletes, especially women. Female athletes are more likely to face the mockery of their bodies than their male peers. It is well recognized that athletes who engage in the capacity of their bodies and exercise consistently yield improved outcomes. The world-famous...

Words: 888

Pages: 4

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