Essays on Marketing Strategy

Nike's #MeToo Shoes: A Case Study

Nike, Inc. has always a leading shoes and sports apparel provider for many athletes and sports enthusiasts around the globe. Through the years, Nike has also established itself as a brand that cares and a brand that is socially relevant. To be able to be the first brand in the...

Words: 1676

Pages: 7

Marketing Plan for Orchy Fruit Juice

Marketing plans enables the business management to develop a business product or service to meet the target market. The objective of this marketing plan is to help customers understand why Orch brand is different or better than the products offered by the competitor. Marketing plan helps as well to reach...

Words: 3296

Pages: 12

Analysis of the UK Sneaker Market

The purpose of the report is to outline the marketing plan that will be used by the business to introduce sneakers in the UK market. One of the factors that will be analyzed is the external environment of the firm through the PEST and SWOT analysis. The plan will also...

Words: 2366

Pages: 9

Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand

Every firm wants to either retain or increase demand for its commodities. Let’s analyze the determinants of price elasticity of demand. A higher elasticity means a higher sensitivity of demand to changes in price. The factors that affect demand include the following. Availability of substitutes. When there exist substitutes to the...

Words: 403

Pages: 2

Benefits of Internet Marketing and its Impact on TV Advertisements

Internet marketing continues to evolve as a major advertisement avenue where companies promote, drive traffic, and increase sales of their products. Firms have continued to use internet marketing approaches such as website design, social media, e-mail marketing, online promotions, blogs, and article marketing to promote their products and drive traffic...

Words: 1723

Pages: 7

The Product, Distribution, Price and Promotion Strategy of REI and Its Competitor, LL Bean

Due to the introduction of technology in businesses, it is crucial for retailers to be innovative to meet the demand of many customers. The retailers should also integrate marketing strategies that add in keeping the success of their firms. This paper compares the product, distribution, price and promotion strategies of...

Words: 760

Pages: 3

The Role of Marketing in REI Company

The REI company The REI company was started in1938 by Lloyd, his wife, and fellow climbers. The company was started by Lloyd after he failed to find a reliable ice axe in his locality and at a reasonable price. He began to import quality ice axes from Australia at lower prices,...

Words: 822

Pages: 3

Pricing Strategies

Profit Maximization and Pricing Strategies Profit maximization is the crucial goal of any firm operating in a given business environment. Thus, it is upon the managers to use best pricing strategies to maximize their firm s profits. Managers should sell firms products at a price where all the costs of production...

Words: 1939

Pages: 8

Red Bull Marketing Strategy

The History of Red Bull Company The paper is devoted to the leader of the energy drink market Red Bull Company. The work gets a brief insight into the history of the producer. The paper lists the ingredients of this successful strategy and focuses on its peculiar features. There is also...

Words: 1521

Pages: 6

Factors Influencing the Demand for Mobile Phones

Supply and Demand of Mobile Phones Almost every individual across the globe uses mobile phones services and due to this product has many manufacturers. The primary producers are Samsung and Apple conglomerates which have dominated the contemporary market. There is, therefore, stiff competition in the mobile phone market and every firm...

Words: 1142

Pages: 5

Walmart’s Economic Crisis

Globally, there are so many firms that are faced with the challenge of increased costs. Walmart is among these companies undergoing such economic crisis. A high number of employees working in the organization have increased the budget spent on the salaries. Low-quality products are a challenge as the company is...

Words: 329

Pages: 2

The Nature of Marlboro Brand Market Structure

Marlboro cigarette brand gained its market share in 1995 when Philip Morison launched filtered cigarette leading to an increase in market share by 5000 percent in the United States. There are different types of Marlboro cigarettes which include Marlboro Light, Marlboro Regular, Marlboro Menthol, Marlboro Ice, Marlboro Advance, and Marlboro...

Words: 2319

Pages: 9

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