Essays on Management

Employee Turnover

Employee turnover rate is the influx of entry or exit of employees from an organization within a specificied period of time. The exit from formal employment can be as a result of dismissal, resignation, retirement or death. Involuntary turnover is viewed as an act of dismissing employees with the organization...

Words: 1437

Pages: 6

The Importance of Risk Tolerance in Entrepreneurship

Tolerance for Risk in Entrepreneurship Tolerance for risk encompasses the level to which an investor is willing to withstand the variability of returns. As such, risk tolerance is considered one of the most critical elements in entrepreneurship. Notably, the ability and willingness to take significant risks for an equally higher possibility...

Words: 644

Pages: 3

My Experience as a Nurse

I wish to submit my application for the post of a nurse in your company following a vacancy announcement on the company website. I was very excited to find out that the job description perfectly fits my education and expertise, and I have confidence that if given the opportunity I...

Words: 560

Pages: 3

Benefits of Customer Relationship Management

The Transportation Management System is of great importance for logistics management in today’s information times. TMS has its shortcomings, but its benefits for an organization are more significant and have a lasting impact (Helmke, 2012). The Customer Relationship Management is the integration of people, technology, and processes which have evolved...

Words: 3294

Pages: 12

Empowerment and Motivation

Both inspiration and empowerment Both inspiration and empowerment are most significant factors in the extended success of a person or any organization since empowerment affects motivation positively while motivation facilitates better performances. However, the two complex notions have both differences and similarities. Firstly, both motivation and empowerment help in facilitating the...

Words: 581

Pages: 3

The Difference between a Leader and a Boss

Leaders inspire their employees to think creatively, innovate and endeavor for perfection, while bosses only concentrate on issuing directions. Leaders work alongside their employees and present ideas to solve workplace challenges while bosses push and command employees other than direct them. Some bosses, particularly those that have preferred employees are...

Words: 315

Pages: 2

Revision and Editing of an Essay on Courtesy in the Workplace

1. What specific revision changes did you make from the first draft to final draft of this essay and why? First, I had to change the thesis statement. My initial thesis statement did not describe into details what the paper was all about; it did not prepare the reader for the...

Words: 453

Pages: 2

Insider Trading in the Stock Market

The stock market offers an excellent opportunity for both small and big investments. It is based on the ideology of buying stocks at low prices and selling at high rates with the aim of making profits. Because of the diversity of the market predictability, many investors may be tempted to...

Words: 402

Pages: 2

Customer Service: Elevating Service Standards

Dialogue in a restaurant between the clerk and Jane “A shake, fries, and burger, please…….a shake, fries, and burger, please. Next customer” The clerk asked “Can you make your order?” Jane shouted “A mango juice and fries…eh…cheeseburger but do not include the onion, please” The clerk yelled behind her “A mango juice,...

Words: 571

Pages: 3

Gender Differences in Leadership

Leadership Leadership entails working with people in the fast-changing and complex world to make a difference (Pava 3). The society needs sustainable and flexible organizations constituting of individuals. Leadership concerns mobilization of people on tackling tough issues, and it is embedded in everybody. The key to leadership is an ability to...

Words: 988

Pages: 4

Flipping a Coin

People are willing to avoid making important decisions that are an argument between two people ends with the flipping of a coin. Making the right choice has always had a value in society regardless of the expectations of society. It may be the reason why a person aims always to...

Words: 556

Pages: 3

Analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) refers to a complete package of software that helps organization manage day-to-day businesses, resource planning, forecasting and budgeting. It automates and integrates different activities of a business process to ensure seamless operation across the organization (Monk and Wagner). However, ERP implementation failure rate is as high...

Words: 1134

Pages: 5

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