Customer Service: Elevating Service Standards

Dialogue in a restaurant between the clerk and Jane

“A shake, fries, and burger, please…….a shake, fries, and burger, please. Next customer” The clerk asked “Can you make your order?”

Jane shouted “A mango juice and fries…eh…cheeseburger but do not include the onion, please” The clerk yelled behind her “A mango juice, and fries, cheeseburger, but exclude the onion…”

“Excuse me,” Jane interrupted, she introduced new demands which shocked the clerk. “Can I taste the mango juice before you…?” She remained fixed in front of the clerk which meant that she was serious with her request. This was gaining interest from other customers who started to become worried since time was running out.

“What do you mean, ‘can I taste the mango juice before you…?’ The clerk posed “We don’t give customers free samples here.” Now the clerk started to realize that the customer was serious with her demands. He sensed that she had a valid reason on why she insisted on tasting the juice first before it was included in the order she had placed.

Jane responded, “I just need to…”

Clerk reacted, “Don’t you see there are twenty customers behind you waiting to be served?” Jane noted, “I understand, but I want to taste the mango juice before leaving the restaurant.”

“Can you tell me the reason you would like to taste the mango juice?” he inquired sarcastically. She replied, “Occasionally, well….” Jane hesitated but did not change her mind. She decided to speak her mind because she felt the juice was not meeting the expected standards. “It’s only that occasionally the mango juice is watered down too much, and …The juice sometimes is below the standards I anticipate. I have decided not to buy poor quality mango juice from this restaurant.”

The clerk confirmed that this was not an ordinary customer because she was firm on her demands. He also was eager to serve the other customers in the queue since they were getting inpatient with him. Therefore, he had to make quick decision to save time and protect the image of the restaurant. “Okay, okay, I don’t have all time. Let me …” The clerk dispensed a small amount of juice into a glass. “Taste it.” He bellowed. Jane quickly tasted an ounce of mango juice. The clerk probed, “Does it meet your expectations?”

“Yes, this is alright, Thank you. Please include the mango juice in the list of other items I have ordered.” “At least this time round it was not watered down. I believe it was important to inspect.” After he turned to move to the table, he noted that the clerk was murmuring under her breath; “This has never happened here…. Someone must be behind this…….” The chat dawdled off.

The clerk appeared confused. He started to wipe the sweat in his face with a handkerchief. “I’m my dear customer. I hope this will never happen again in the future. We are going to guarantee you better products in the future. We are going to rectify the problem where it may have occurred.” Jane replied, “Alright, I hope it will never happen, I believe you have already rectified the issue. Otherwise the rest of the services are superb.” The clerk noted it down in his diary, “Thank you, and let’s meet next time, you are assured of better services in this restaurant. We value our customers.”

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