Essays on Management

Management Strategies to Enhance Student Responsibility and Social Development

Students become creators of knowledge by active learning approaches rather than just being passive recipients of information. For active learning to students, instructors should explain clear objectives, benefits, and expectations. Positive school culture is the bearer of student's achievement and some of the factors that influence this are the safety...

Words: 1434

Pages: 6

Organizational Reorganization

In today’s world, businesses and organizations more often than not feature modularly structured frameworks. This approach is in a bid to have these different and autonomous components achieve individually set goals that will benefit the organization as a whole when coalesced with minimal overlap of interaction. This minimalistic approach, while...

Words: 320

Pages: 2

The Importance of Short-term Scheduling in an Organization

According to Heizer and Barry (616), short-term scheduling is the allocation of the available limited resources and time in the occurrence of an event that may interrupt current processes. Short-term scheduling is of great strategic importance to corporations in both the internal and external environments.             First, Short-time scheduling creates an...

Words: 231

Pages: 1

The Importance of Powerful Questions

If asking powerful questions is essential, why don’t many people spend ample time structuring and framing the questions? It might be due to the influence of the western culture which mainly aims at getting the correct answer other than understanding the posed question. Also, our education system also requires more...

Words: 2561

Pages: 10

The Boeing Crisis

Boeing is among the leading aircraft manufactures and has been producing planes since 1916. However, by 2008, the company was hit by loss of market share brought about by several factors. Some of these reasons include delays in delivering ordered planes, problems with the planes that were delivered and compensation...

Words: 361

Pages: 2

Accounting Manager

Responsible for the financial health of the company. Producing financial reports and developing strategies based on financial research. Guiding senior executives in making sound business decisions in the long and short term. Job’s Scope The finance manager would be managing a team of 9 employees including 2 supervisors and 2 junior accounts...

Words: 256

Pages: 1

The Budgeting and Control System

Companies in the tourism industry often produce products that are very rarely identical due to location, individuals, and components which that is composed of the experience they offer to a tourist. This will, therefore, be absurdly diverse and the costing strategies can change as a tourism enterprise develops their brand...

Words: 2400

Pages: 9

Strategies for Providing Feedback

Have you ever been on a team in which you noted a problem with teammate work but did not point it out? What stopped you from providing feedback? Now that you have read this chapter, what are some strategies you could use to politely provide suggestion for revision? I work at ABC Ltd,...

Words: 398

Pages: 2

Workplace Diversity as the Tool for Enhancing Organizational Efficiency, Better Decision-Making, and Improved Innovation

The study focused on analyzing workplace diversity as the tool for enhancing organizational efficiency, better decision-making, and improved innovation. It analyzed a variety of articles and journals to gain a comprehensive view of the concept of workplace diversity. Based on the analysis, the proponents of heterogeneity affirm that a diverse...

Words: 1785

Pages: 7

My Dream of Becoming a President

I am strongly convinced that a person fit for position of a President is the one who can do everything within his or her powers to make those who he or she leads have a better life. A President should also be a selfless leader. Despite the fact that the...

Words: 288

Pages: 2

Types of International Conflicts

Among the six types of conflicts Three are connected with the phenomenon of nationalism, and they are religious fervor, ethnic hatred, and ideology. The sources of international conflict based on the identity that is modeled by nationalism act as the linkage between internationally recognized statehood and citizenship. A nation includes a...

Words: 727

Pages: 3

Obama Leadership Style and Achievements

According to Glary (2012), leadership is an art where one person (a leader) inspires and motivates their subjects to work towards a certain goal. Some leaders such as Obama have been successful in achieving this endeavor through his integration and engagement of his subjects. Obama’s success at leadership is evident...

Words: 1231

Pages: 5

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