Essays on Literary Genres

King Lear's epilogue and the nature of tragedy

Tragedies and Shakespeare's King Lear Tragedies are various types of misfortunes or catastrophes that are typically referred to as tragedies. Therefore, for such events to happen, a string of violent events like interpersonal disputes must take place. This knowledge and Aristotle's definition lead us to the conclusion that tragedy is a...

Words: 929

Pages: 4

A subjectivity statement

A subjectivity statement describes a person s character and how it relates to the topic of a research project. (Pierre, 2015). Personality Traits Influence Research Personality traits influence how a person perceives the world around them or the subject under study. Religion, education level, listening skills, intelligence, emotional stability, interests in singing...

Words: 665

Pages: 3

‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” - a Satire

Satire in Literature Satire is a literary form that employs humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose the vices, abuses, foolishness, and flaws of people in society in the hopes that these individuals and the community at large will improve. Satire, which employs wit as a tool to draw attention to...

Words: 1303

Pages: 5

The Second Coming

Yeats' poem "The Second Coming" Yeats' poem "The Second Coming" extensively draws on religious symbolism and biblical allusion to convey its main idea. The New Testament's book of revelation as well as the authors' own historical and theological framework of the spiritualist movements, Celtic revival, and Vico testify to the use...

Words: 772

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African-American suffer discrimination in the US

Numerous African-Americans in the US experience prejudice. The African minorities are not welcome in racists' restaurants, stadiums, buses, or other public areas. The black population cannot enter certain pubs and bars. A few of the workers report being mistreated at work. Coworkers, supervisors, and clients discriminate against the African-American employees...

Words: 955

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Alice Walker

Alice Walker's Writing Prowess Demonstrated in "The Welcome Table" Alice Walker demonstrates her writing prowess by giving a vivid account of a geriatric woman's final days on earth. Through a brief poem in the tale, the author is able to grab readers' attention. The poem's five lines effectively communicate the meaning...

Words: 918

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William Faulkner's tale "A Rose for Emily"

Exploring the Facets of Human Condition: Repression and Its Effects in "A Rose for Emily" Without an explicit explanation of the author's motivations for creating that particular work of literature, it is generally difficult to comprehend or state with confidence what the purpose or intention of a given author was. There...

Words: 1157

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The Facebook Sonnet

In his outstanding poem The Facebook Sonnet, Sherman Alexie contrasts the lives people lead on social media, especially Facebook, with growing interpersonal relationships. The idea that there are countless reunions and all friends, good or bad, kind or cruel, are accepted may at first seem to be a compliment to...

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Samuel by Grace Paley

Writings by artists Writings by artists, like poems or short tales, are frequently used to convey their own experiences. In addition, because they communicate certain ideas, the writings are intended to pique readers' interests. These writings' themes focus on important facets of the local society. Samuel, the protagonist Samuel, the protagonist of Grace...

Words: 974

Pages: 4

Personal attribute

I am a very committed and independent student. I treat my schooling with the respect it merits. I make sure to keep up with my coursework and turn in my projects on time. I've been able to get the most out of everything I've been given to work with thanks...

Words: 304

Pages: 2

E.E Cummings’ Buffalo Bill analysis

Buffalo Bill's Life and Death According to the song, Buffalo Bill is no longer alive. Defunct refers to something that has passed away, so the poem is about a figure who has passed away. A well-known character in the American West is Buffalo Bill Cody. He worked as a bison hunter...

Words: 591

Pages: 3

Neoliberalism and the history of The US in the 20th century

The Rise of Neoliberalism The word "neoliberalism" was first coined by British economists, interwar continental thinkers, and philosophers to describe an economic theory that supported deregulation, privatization, and free markets while opposing the state and public institutions. In this situation, the government dismantles unions, liberalizes the economy, lowers taxes for businesses...

Words: 1389

Pages: 6

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