Essays on Illness

Benefits of having a Dog in Stressful Situations

According to the excerpt from No, I Do Not Want to Pet Your Dog . Every man or woman at some point in life experiences the adverse consequences of stress and depression. Certain factors bring stress such as family issues, impromptu payments and a car battery which is dead....

Words: 674

Pages: 3

The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18 Years

The Need to Lower the Drinking Age to 18 The passage of restrictive legislation restricting alcohol consumption to those aged 21 and up has ignited heated debate among Americans. Though the stated laws were intended to minimize the high and growing number of death cases and other health-related problems linked to...

Words: 1592

Pages: 6

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Limiting Access to Unhealthy Foods or Taxing Unhealthy Foods

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Limiting Access to Junk Foods or Taxing Unhealthy Foods Obesity is a disorder exacerbated by consuming unhealthy foods and exercising insufficiently. When a person absorbs a lot of energy, primarily sugars and fat, and does not burn it off by physical activity or exercise, the...

Words: 1405

Pages: 6

Obesity is a huge worldwide health problem

Obesity is a major global health issue, especially in the United States, where fast-food restaurants are proliferating at an unprecedented pace (Ogden et al, 809). The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently discovered a 36% incidence of adult obesity (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1). What is...

Words: 1205

Pages: 5

Globally, The Drug Epidemic

Opioid Crisis in America Opioids are medications that are often used as analgesia and anesthesia to cause central sensitization of the nervous system. Opioid misuse is a problem that exists in 50-state America in the form of flow-out drug mill facilities where pain relief treatment is dished out like sugar and...

Words: 731

Pages: 3

low fat diets are healthy- a diet myth

We are more than ever bewildered by the basic question of which food to eat. Most medical professionals are out there to advise people on what to eat in the wake of the global obesity crisis – which is getting worse every day. Health misconceptions are interesting since people are...

Words: 1157

Pages: 5

Importance of nutrition and health

The Importance of Diet and Wellbeing Is good health and nutrition leading to a more productive, long-lasting life? Health and diet are an important part of a productive and long-lasting life. This is demonstrated by the impact on the physical and emotional well-being of the individual's fitness and nutritional status, which directly...

Words: 1743

Pages: 7

Type 2 Diabetes

The article sets out the different classifications of diabetes mellitus and shows an accurate diagnosis of the diabetic disease. The importance of the article is that it points out the various pathogenic pathways that contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Chou, Tin Kin, et al." "Misconceptions about smoking...

Words: 1085

Pages: 4

Anxiety disorder

Anxiety disorder affects children and young adults who are distressing particularly in a social setting and hinder a person's social tolerance. Individuals with social anxiety disorders are facing intrinsic difficulties in a social setting that needs personal contact, evaluation or attention. In any case, however, it indicates the patient's expectation...

Words: 3861

Pages: 15

Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders (OCRDs)

Hearing disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder), body dysmorphic disorder, and exoriation (skin-picking) disorder are obsessive-compulsive and associated disorders (OCRDs). Past research suggests that between OCD and the remaining conditions there is a substantial similarity. As such, these diseases are classified into one group. The categories of OCRDs have...

Words: 2256

Pages: 9

Overcoming Bias and Attitudes towards Vaccination

Despite evidence that vaccinations minimize and spread disease incidences, some individuals doubt the use of the vaccine and typically refrain from vaccination. The lack of security raises the risk that certain pathogens will attack populations and increases the cost of health care. One difficulty in convincing is to resolve the...

Words: 1657

Pages: 7

A Short Story and Poem Discussion

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe The Raven, completed in 1845, is one of several respected poems by Edgar Allan Poe, a seemingly accomplished author who towered over his contemporaries in poetry in his day and beyond. As manifested in the symbolic crow s speech, Nevermore, the persona s...

Words: 1652

Pages: 7

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