Essays on Healthcare

Improving Employee Satisfaction and Reducing Turnover Rates in Nursing Homes

In nursing homes: Investigating variables that can raise nurses' levels of satisfaction In nursing homes, nurse turnover is a major cause for worry because it has an impact on both the staff members' and patients' health. The goal of this proposal is to investigate variables that can raise nurses' levels of...

Words: 552

Pages: 3

When Breath Becomes Air

We all have concerns about life, death, and meaning at some point in our lives, and these questions frequently have a medical component. Paul and his wife were in the hospital, where they were both sobbing as the tests showed that cancer had spread throughout his body. Paul informed his...

Words: 1343

Pages: 5

Asynchronous online medical consultations

A limited number of common non-emergency medical complaints that can be effectively managed without the need for a physical examination can be treated by clinicians using asynchronous online medical consultations between healthcare providers and patients that are conducted within the boundaries of a secure patient portal in an electronic health...

Words: 604

Pages: 3

Medical Tourism

International Medical Tourism International medical tourism is caused by the difficulty of obtaining medications and therapies that are unavailable in the patient's home country. The issue requires the patients to pool their resources and travel to nations that provide the medical services they need at a reasonable cost in order to...

Words: 401

Pages: 2


The world's ever-growing populace and the emergence of incurable diseases offer enormous health challenges. Having medical treatment that takes social discrimination into account while providing health services causes problems for people. In order to prevent and lessen the effects of incurable diseases and end social discrimination, laws must be developed...

Words: 2734

Pages: 10

Health and Significance of Fitbit

To guarantee that the majority of citizens live healthy lives, all governments work to improve the health sector. While there are many health-related issues to be concerned about, diet and exercise tracking are two of the most important aspects of a healthy living that society could support. Although many improvements...

Words: 1946

Pages: 8

The high prevalence of patient falls

The high prevalence of patient falls within the healthcare system is still on the rise, and fall prevention continues to be a major patient safety issue at all levels of care delivery. In light of this, organizations like The Joint Commission noted that preventing falls remained a national patient safety...

Words: 3230

Pages: 12

Communication for therapeutic relationship between practicing nurse and patient

Communication and Therapeutic Relationship Communication, according to Murray, Zentner, and Yakimo (2014), is essential for developing a therapeutic relationship between the practicing nurse and the patient. It is critical for a nurse practitioner to develop strong communication skills in order to establish a working relationship with the client. As a result,...

Words: 341

Pages: 2

Essay on Healthcare Inpatient Falls

Inpatient Falls: A Widespread Issue in Healthcare Inpatient falls are a widespread event in healthcare, occurring in all health facilities. This issue has piqued the interest of many medical researchers, resulting in a large amount of data. This work is a study of inpatient falls. The report puts the data of...

Words: 3308

Pages: 13

Finance jobs

Finance as a Diverse and Intriguing Field Finance is one of the most diverse and intriguing fields in the commercial world. It pervades all other areas, including investment, insurance, real estate, and even the health care industry. Finance is an intriguing career that requires intelligence and rigorous skill development. Despite the...

Words: 639

Pages: 3

Nightingale’s Environmental Conceptual Model

Florence Nightingale and the Environmentalist Theory Florence Nightingale established and published the nursing philosophical and theoretical view of the patient's health in connection to environmental conditions, which led to the development of this theory. Metaparadigms have four components: environment, person, health, and nursing. Nightingale's conceptual paradigm related health to five environmental...

Words: 749

Pages: 3

California's Nursing Practice Act

It has been almost a century since state governments enacted legislation to protect, supervise, and defend the public from harmful nursing practices. These statutes are combined to form the Nursing Practice Act, which is enforced by state legislatures. Because the NPA alone is insufficient to govern the profession, each NPA...

Words: 993

Pages: 4

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