Friendship is a fundamental aspect of human life as it plays a crucial role in the overall wellbeing of person. Existence of friends in an individual’s life is not only vital for the social-being of the individual but also the health of the individual. In quite a number of studies...
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Ideally, toddlers under the age of 5 years are exposed to multiple cases of poverty, family violence, food shortages as well as healthcare concerns that shape their lives as they grow in the societies. Such environments play fundamental roles in the development of character and personality among these children as...
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The Concept of Coaching Adolescents The concept of coaching adolescents is not new to me because I too received coaching during that stage of my life. What strikes me the most from the readings is the idea that the emotional health of children affects their character. A child’s emotional stability affects...
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Depression and Its Impact Depression is a serious mental health issue that affects millions of people across the world. The World Health Organization ranks depression as the most prevalent cause of disability worldwide. The condition interferes with people's social functioning and if necessary interventions are not taken, it changes the lifestyle...
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According to Freud, defense mechanisms refer to cognitive and psychological strategies unconsciously employed by an individual to assist them in dealing with anxiety brought about by unacceptable feelings and thoughts (Freud 3). They arise in people when one is triggered or threatened by feelings of guilt or anxiety. In Freudian psychology,...
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In the course of our lives, most individuals develop cognitive reasoning critical in their social functioning both with family and at the workplace. As people age into their 60s, the aging process results in changes in both cognitive and social capabilities. Research by Hunt " Wolverson (2015) suggests that these...
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For ages, Chewing gum has been used as a favorite pastime activity that has been all over the world. For example, prehistoric men and women chewed tree lumps for enjoyment, also, during the ancient times the Greeks used to eat resin to freshen their breath and clean their teeth while...
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Autism in childrenProfessor Eugene Bleuler has immensely contributed to the study and research of schizophrenia. According to him, schizophrenia is a severe disorder which directly affects how an individual think, acts, relates to others or even perceives reality. Schizophrenia is the most severe and chronic of all the mental illnesses...
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Bipolar disorder, also known as schizophrenia, can be described as a chronic condition or syndrome of mental health that causes the affected person to experience changes in mood which are extreme. It mainly affects the behavior or psychology of the affected individual without relating to other common mood changers and...
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Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one type of psychotherapy which has become a significant part of psychology. In its original form, it was formulated to treat, depression, but in the present setup, it is applied in the management of several other mental conditions. CBT is accorded different meanings by different...
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Mood Disorders Mood disorders feature a group of conditions that translate to severe mood changes. Some common sicknesses that fall in this category include bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, cyclothymia, and persistent depressive disorder. Some common symptoms of mood disorders include poor concentration, low self-esteem, fatigue, isolation, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, relationship...
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Autism is a neurological disorder characterized by abnormal emotional and social communication. Additionally, it is also characterized by repetitive and restricted behavior. It can either be specific or pervasive in nature. Specific autism manifests itself as impairment in only one domain, for instance in speech. The Pervasive nature entails a...
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