The article The Justice and Mercy of God by Kelly expounds on how mercy and justice are the attributes of God. According to Kelly, these attributes presents the eternal being of God. However, he argues that mercy is the main attribute of God (Kelly 206). Based on this claim, one...
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The Importance of Living a Godly Life The article by Reinhard Feldmeier expounds on how we are supposed to live in the society. According to the article, we are supposed to present the character of God in our lives. Similarly, Romans 1:16 explain how "the righteousness of God is revealed from...
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Basilica Catholic Church Community focuses on multiple Christianity activities that help in disseminating the canonical gospel among both converts and non-converts. We integrate modern cultures, trends as well as the values of Christians’ lives by ensuring that the challenges preventing individuals within the community to understand the bible and follow...
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In the Genesis account of creation Where God creates everything in the world out of nothing, the power of speech is clearly demonstrated. Since speech originates from one's conception of reality, one should never undervalue the mouth as an instrument in reality creation. Depending on one's status in society, it has...
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The catholic faith's view of the source of redemption is related to the Paschal Mystery. McIntosh has outlined the nature of redemption using the paschal mystery. He asserts that learning religion without being a believer is challenging. To comprehend theology and the doctrine of salvation, one must have a personal...
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This essay offers a thorough understanding of God's Calling, its importance in the Christian path, and how brothers should use their various knowledge and skills to serve others while maintaining a strong sense of Christian principles. The vocation to follow Christ includes a calling for the workplace. This makes it...
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When we pay close attention, we can separate God's existence from His essence in the same way that triangles can be separated from their angles to make two right angles. The concept of God's existence is analogous to the concept of a mountain and a valley. It is as absurd...
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Whether God exists or not has likely been a topic of discussion for many generations. The cosmological argument and the teleological argument give the main justifications for God s existence. However, H. J. McCloskey aims to reaffirm his atheism and provide refutations to prevalent theistic viewpoints in On Being...
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Pages: 7
Because God made humans in His image, men and women should be treated equally. However, society created social gender roles that differentiated each individual's role in the community. Historically, women were subject to laws made by their husbands, therefore they referred to their husbands as lords. Men were the heads...
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Religion as an Opiate of the People Religion is a specialized system of worship and religion, or the belief in a superhuman ruling authority, notably gods or a personal God. Regardless of the superhuman being they worship, the majority of the world's population is a believer. On religion, Tolchin quotes Karl...
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Vincent Van Gogh, one of the most celebrated post-impressionist artists, was born on March 30, 1853, in Groot-Zundert, the Netherlands (Huntsman 137). He was raised in a cultured and moral community as the son of a preacher. Van Gogh struggled with personality and direction in his early years. His self-esteem...
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Pages: 9
Martin Luther Martin Luther is generally regarded as the father of Protestantism in Christianity. He was also a priest and a theology lecturer in the German Church. He, along with other early Christian opponents, led the first revolt against the 15th century's early teachings.Among the teachings, Luther firmly opposed were Holy...
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