Essays on Federal Government

road initiative and belt

The Belt and Road Initiative in Chinese Foreign Policy The incorporation of the Belt and Road Initiative in the Chinese Communist Party constitution demonstrated that the idea holds a key and important role in Chinese foreign policy (Fallon, 2015). Many concerned with the difficulties confronting China's overseas infrastructure see the initiative...

Words: 1929

Pages: 8

The US Constitution Amendment Process

The American constitution is a governing text that contains the supreme law of the nation. The constitution was written to provide the national government the authority to carry out different duties without infringing on the basic human rights enshrined in the same text. As a result, the powers of the...

Words: 1157

Pages: 5

Positive Effects of Political Parties

IntroductionPolitical parties were not a part of the United States Constitution when it was written. The United States was the first country to devise a democratic party structure in the early 1800s, allowing for the transfer of authority from one system to another. A referendum was used to do this....

Words: 715

Pages: 3

the constitution of georgia

State-Local Government Relationship Each state in the United States has unique partnerships with its intergovernmental organizations, which include municipalities, counties, villages, and special districts. The constitution creates a direct relationship between the roles of the state and the functions of local councils. The state constitution outlines unique obligations for county and...

Words: 619

Pages: 3

Congress Agenda Setting

The national policy process is becoming more complicated, and developing a congressional platform has become more difficult than ever. The 115th Congress would be unlike any other. The Republicans maintained their majority in both the House and the Senate. The recently elected members of Congress are undeniably zealous about promoting...

Words: 1412

Pages: 6

Civics Education Resources

The White House's official website outlines the organization and service of the United States administration. The Constitution tab provides context material and an overview of the United States Constitution. The website contains vital material about the origins of the Constitution, which in theory describes how the United States of America was...

Words: 883

Pages: 4

Act of Congress by Robert G. Kaiser

In the preface to his book "Act of Congress," Robert G. Kaiser, one of the Washington Post's most prominent writers, admitted that Congress was America's least known institution. The author acknowledged that his endeavors to grasp the inner workings of the country's most establishmentarian facility had been unsuccessful. According to...

Words: 925

Pages: 4

how a bill becomes a law

When the House is in session, members of Congress may pass legislation. The bill introduced by a congressional representative to restrict the tax benefit on interest paid on residential mortgages would have a direct effect on homebuilders so they would earn less money on their assets (Rossum and Tarr 2016)....

Words: 356

Pages: 2

The EPA and NEPA

The EPA's Role in Regulating Chemicals The EPA is responsible for regulating the chemicals that endanger human health and the environment. The EPA's role is to enforce regulations. It can enforce its rules in a number of ways. Among them is enforcement of OSHA's rules, which refer violations to EPA. The...


Words: 513

Pages: 2

Government Surveillance: Bibliography

Surveillance and Government Monitoring Surveillance refers to the government s efforts to collect information about its citizens without their knowledge or access to private areas. Communication, physical, and transaction monitoring are all types of surveillance that are currently in use. In the United States, the concept of government surveillance dates back...

Words: 1788

Pages: 7

puerto rico a U.S. state

In the United States: The Mechanism of Statehood The mechanism by which a territory becomes a state in the United States is very complex. According to Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, only Congress has the authority to grant statehood to a territory. Furthermore, the establishment of new...

Words: 953

Pages: 4

Technology and its Impact on College Students

Technology has recently taken hold in culture, having a wide range of effects. Across the world, technology and its disruptive consequences are on the rise. Any world, population, and area of human life are affected by technology's negative effects. The technological aspects that have led to these cases have been...

Words: 2401

Pages: 9

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