Economic Impacts of Video Games

The Economic Benefits of the Video Game Industry The video game business has grown so rapidly over the years that its economic benefits cannot be overlooked. The gaming industry is now on par with the other major entertainment sectors in terms of size. The gaming business employs many people and contributes...

Words: 359

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The global economic crisis of 2008

The worldwide economic crisis of 2008 began in mid-2007. Investors have lost all faith in the value of mortgages with securities in nations such as the United States, resulting in liquidity confusion. The rate at which assets and capital are converted to cash has increased. As a result, the United...

Words: 3383

Pages: 13

Australia's Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Industry

There are three industries that contribute to Australia's economy. All production activities in the country can be classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary. Nonetheless, primary production is Australia's biggest industry. It contributes significantly to the country's GDP and accounts for a significant fraction of overall exports. Many individuals work in...

Words: 2551

Pages: 10

Trade and Microeconomics

Trading is the financial act of purchasing and selling products and services. It entails exchanging commodities for money or its equivalent. Free trade is the economic policy adopted by global markets in which imports and exports to other countries are neither restricted or discriminated against. Investors from other economies can...

Words: 1221

Pages: 5


The Crisis Surrounding the Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare The scenario surrounding the repeal and replacement of Obamacare has reached crisis proportions. The present administration is unable to garner enough support to fulfill its commitment to repeal the current health-care law. Indeed, a number of political issues are impeding the repeal...

Words: 898

Pages: 4

An Ethical Dilemma

It was morally and legally correct for the organizations, Wheaton College and Hobby Lobby Craft Store, to deny birth control coverage to their respective staff and students. Due to their conviction that the use of birth control goes against their religious principles and beliefs, several organizations have chosen to deny...

Words: 862

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International Development and Organizations

The presence and scope of internal organizations (IO) extend across the globe, where it plays an important role in global affairs. At the moment, at least 238 of these organizations are working on every potential topic around the world. International organizations have a key role in humanitarian crises, financial meltdowns,...

Words: 1911

Pages: 7

Obamacare Act

Repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. The new act will replace the act with Savings Accounts, allowing the state to manage Medicaid funds and allowing people to buy health insurance across state lines. It will benefit citizens by expediting the approval of life-saving pharmaceuticals and providing better coverage....

Words: 382

Pages: 2

minimum wage

The Minimum Wage The minimum wage, or the lowest amount of money paid to a person in exchange for their services, is the major topic of this essay. It is a pricing floor that firms must abide by when determining how much to pay their employees. Moreover, watching shows that explore...

Words: 414

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The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The Impact of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) The two most influential financial organizations in the world are the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (Agang, 2011). The institutions are the main providers of credit to developing nations, but they also utilize the money they...

Words: 1061

Pages: 4

Kenyan domestic workers' situation in the Middle East Gulf

Challenges Faced by Kenyan Workers Abroad People have been forced to look for work elsewhere and everywhere as the economy becomes more difficult. Kenyans have been able to go across borders and look for work abroad. Despite the difficulties the employed people themselves have in their area of work, those who...

Words: 1260

Pages: 5

Male violence and black women

Studies have shown that women of color are more affected by violence in their homes, places of employment, schools, and residences. The majority of these violent crimes against them are committed by men in the community. Examples include physical abuse by intimate partners, sexual assault and harassment by law enforcement, prostitution,...

Words: 2155

Pages: 8

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