The Evolution of Eating Over the Years

Over the years, the eating habits of the people in the United States have dramatically changed. Regarding diet, the food that the people in the modern days are taking is very different from that which our grandparents and the great-grandparents used to consume. The people’s attitudes towards shopping, cooking, and...

Words: 1380

Pages: 6

The Relationship Between Diet and Stuttering

Stuttering is a prevalent speech disorder that affects many peoplek. It is associated with difficulty in saying something.  The occurrence of this condition is attributed to many factors ranging from genetic to dietary. Although little attention has been paid on the contribution of diet to the occurrence of stuttering, few...

Words: 669

Pages: 3

Health Benefits of Vegan Diet

Dinu et al., (2017) definition of a vegan A vegan is a person who does not use or eat animal products; they do not use soaps, clothes or other animal-sourced products nor consume dairy, gelatin, eggs or honey. In this regard, a vegan diet is a food lifestyle that excludes the...

Words: 953

Pages: 4

Comparison of My Protein Requirements to That of the Atkins Diet.

The Atkins diet is low in carbohydrates and high in protein, and it must be followed correctly if you want to lose weight effectively. The Atkins plan has four main phases, and if followed incorrectly, the weight loss may be delayed. Nutritionists advise me to adjust or rather change the...

Words: 619

Pages: 3

Food in 2050

Foods available in 35 years would be different from those available today (Bne, 2013 p 156). Part of what people are accustomed to eating would become scarce, and the new diet could result in an additional half-million deaths each year. A recent Oxford University study forecasts agricultural and climate projections...

Words: 2019

Pages: 8


According to estimates, 67 percent of the adult population in the United States is overweight. As a result, a bulging waistline is a lucrative market for diet plan designers. The paper provides a summary of the three weight loss plans and how they compare in terms of nutritional profile. Weight...

Words: 359

Pages: 2

Influences of non-Anglo Americans on American Food and Diet

The Impact of Non-Anglo Cultures on American Food and DietThe United States is a nation made up of people from various ethnic identities. Since 1820, it is estimated that the nation has welcomed more than 75 million immigrants (Brown, Frank, and Bachmeier 12). Even though Anglo-Americans are the country's largest...

Words: 1239

Pages: 5

The Future of Healthcare Information Systems

Healthcare Technology and Information Systems Healthcare technology is currently one of the fastest-growing sectors of the industry. Healthcare information systems are in effect to assist in advancing the quality and reliability of healthcare services. Healthcare information systems assist medical practitioners in increasing the quality of their work in the healthcare sector....

Words: 311

Pages: 2

Diseases that are prevalent in Spanish-speaking cultures

According to In Kopera-Frye (2017), external conditions, the population's daily activities, and the types of food products they consume also determine the prevalence of specific diseases in a given geographic region. Africans in Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, had never suffered from heart disease or diabetes before adopting a new diet....

Words: 857

Pages: 4

Is a factor behind child obesity parental negligence?

Obesity is characterized by excessive fat accumulation in the body (Chubdari, 2015). These fats are in the form of cholesterol, which is detrimental to the individual's wellbeing, especially to children who are unable to monitor their diets. Different controversial ideas on the topic of maternal neglect have been set in...

Words: 671

Pages: 3

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